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Tonight I christen my new home with something you made possible many moons ago. For that I say thanks.
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pooping from mobile, no idea how big that is. Looks big.
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I hope the brew is half as special as the occasion!
Drinking a bottle of darklord yourself is quite the feat let alone a 7 year old one. If you make it out alive id love to hear about the experience.
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it was still fantastic btw, maybe too much coffee but the alcohol was mostly clearly present. i had some wine characteristics too. thick, mostly no head unless i poured from over a foot up or poured really aggressively.
was late, by the time i finished this i went straight to bed. was a really long monday-friday of packing, moving, unpacking, cleaning etc.
glad i finally had a nice occasion to have this. thanks man.
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good reason to enjoy a special brew
was this your first since your break/period of sobriety/whatever you called it?
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Went to 3 Floyd's in 2016, was n1
Would really like to try some Dark Lord one day
I have some KBS in storage right now, some 2017/2018 bottles I'm saving for a while
This post has been edited by MoS. on Mon - Nov 26 2018 - 23:52:54
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i still have some jubelale that joe sent me in 2010 😬