and Tashaya are both black.
Richard, wants to get together with Tashaya. Richard is single, and Tashaya is not.
Richard is a crip, we know this because Bloods are pussies. He goes out of his way to tell Tashaya this, in hope of getting into her vagina. He also tells Tashaya to take no offense to that statement, becaus her brother is a blood; because they're all pussies, ya dig.
Richard wants to have kids with Tashaya. Sadly, Tashaya does not. He had a dream about it, and would also like to tell her about his wet dream reguarding the making of children with her.
He is dead set on fighting Tashayas boyfriend, I believe this is because he's a blood, aka pussy.
After futher reading, he does not know who Tashayas boyfriend is, but is 100% positive that he looks better and can be a better boyfriend. Also, he knows her boyfriend is cheating on her, yet he does not know who he is.
Tashaya also thinks Richar is very ugly, he gets hurt by this and other things.
If Tashaya complys with Richard, she gets several benefits.
1. A date to the movies, with her pussy b/fs premission ofc.
2. A real man that will buy her anything. He has her. Don't worry Tashaya
3. She will be the first girl he's never cheated on. That alone should be the deciding factor for her to say yes, and break up with her pussy boyfriend.
Finally, he hopes to get chosen over that nigga pussy, and ends it with an elegent
Circle one
She chooses the pussy for some reason and replies with he's damn ugly. She also can tell that he won't leave her alone, and asks him twice.
Thanks for reading.
This post has been edited by 7_Deadly_Sins on Fri - Dec 7 2007 - 22:43:15