Quote (randomtask @ Wed - May 5 2010 - 21:18:54)
just dominated the shit out of a game with teemo
teemo is beastly.
this is how i build him for 5v5 in case you were wondering
vampiric scepter builds into:
malady or starks fervor depending on difficulty of your lane [if easy/ you got early kill etc/ go for SF, otherwise malady]
next get either beserker greaves or mercury treads [if they have lots of disables/stuns/slows etc, its worth it]
by this point you should be level 6-8 and ready to gank other lanes.
next item i buy is recurve bow [40 as, builds into a lot of things]
if their team is big [more than 1 tank/high hp char] i go for
last whisper for armor pen
if their team has 2 casters i go for
wit's endafter that game is usually wrapping up or its pretty clear where i can go next:
either madred's razor to push towers/heavies
or phantom dancer to just keep badassing
or bloodthirster/inf edge. [depends if you need lifesteal or not]
but really once you get the first three big items [m/SF , boots , lw/we] its really kinda personal preference where you go next
plant lots of mushrooms everywhere. golem buff is helpful early for laying, but if teammate needs it more [basically any mage] let them have it ofc
probably knew most of that but og;dc