>start game, listen to all of my team complain of 300-800 ping (califags, more on this later)
>fed early game against renekton/irelia pair, godamn they hurt early game (renekton might need to be toned down a little from that buff)
>was level 7 while everyone in the game was 10-13
>went into fuck this game farm mode
>had a quardrakill, fiddle stole my penta
>watch their team take 2 inhibs after 3 people in the game disconnect, almost loaded up rage master mode
>decided to farm some more, decided to backdoor their top lane near the end; killed all 5 of them 1 by 1
>92% crit, almost 500 movement speed, hitting for 1.2k a crit
>yep, still the hardest carry in the game