Quote (___ @ Mon - Apr 4 2011 - 20:48:14)
jannas job is not to get cs
theres a difference between setting a tone of who dominates the lane and overextending at level 1 when your lane partner can do little to nothing to help you except cast a spell every 10 seconds
if tornado is on cooldown, im not doing shit
im not autoattacking for 35 damage, and im not fighting in front of my creeps
you have janna half right [ed. note: based on my outdated style of play, feel free to disregard this entire post].
i dont know how you play janna, but i generally go clarity/clairvoyance. depending who you are laning with/against, any one of her skills is a viable first skill. if your lane partner is aggressive, get dat shield. the bonus dmg + shield makes for a rude awakening at level 1. if they arent as aggressive, nado then shield, then zephyr shield shield. the shield is such a huge benefit early game, unless they've nerfed it, idk.
rack up assists out the wazzoo dont give a fuck about minion kills but you should still be up front still trying to last hit occasionally, but your lane mate probably needs the gold more. you can still harass like a motherfucker as janna, a nado here and there or zephyr if they get close will get people clearing the fuck out
in hindsight this post is probably very condescending to people who have now played the game as long as all of you, but whatever