Quote (MoS. @ Sat - Mar 30 2013 - 17:35:46)
Rank S3
8 placement games:
6W - 2L
11/8/8 draven win
10/2/9 draven win
7/3/4 draven win
8/2/6 draven win
4/3/7 draven loss (my team really sucked, i can't say much more than that)
12/7/6 draven win (my support from last game is on team, demands mid lux, has 78 cs in 45 min game, i lose my cool and tell her how much she sucked the last 2 gamse)
3/3/1 vayne loss ("PURO TICO CR" is my support, blitzcrank, starts doran's ring, tells me he's not a support)
3/2/1 shyvanna win (forced to jungle this game, my go to push win, farm all the lanes cs jungler)
i get pretty angry when people demand top or mid, then buy a dorans as their starter item. its such an obvious indicator of someone who has no experience being competitive in that lane, they always end up dead for first blood, or back at the fountain at level 3 to heal
and obligatory after they die, they dont buy a ward, immediately get ganked by enemy jungle, then start blaming our teams jungle for not helping them