elise got a kill and early tower and felt like a badass solo pushing all game, got repetedly 3 man ganked at their 2nd tower when our whole team was mid/bot on our side of river, she didnt understand why, and she refused to join the team at all
we did drag at 10 min, again shortly after respawn. 19-20 minutes after elise dies yet again, we got her to come mid with us, killed 1 of them at mid, 1 of them was bot and 3 were in their tower, our minion wave was at their 2nd tower, pinged the shit out of baron (4 of us go, elise stays mid for no reason), killed baron (elise goes and does their blue then dies to 3 man gank). pushed mid and got to the inhib, they surrendered
2 games in a row would have probably ended in long-game losses, took agressive objectives in both and both teams surrender as soon as we do any damage to their inhibitor (werent going to kill it in either game)