never been more angry at someone in a game than i just was
in champ select im the top player, enemy has already picked teemo. i was going to pick zed, our jungler elise tells me to play tanky, our fifth pick (i was 4th, we were picking at same time) picks fizz, so i switch to riven to coordinate snowballing top
before i switched to zed i said to elise that she could come top at level 2 to get an easy kill on teemo (because i was switching to riven), and she agreed it was a good idea
game starts and i buy elixir + 3 pots, trade some damage with teemo at level 1, we are both around half and healing with pots, elise is coming up to lane (level 2), she gets half way up the river then says "hold on, i cant gank until i get x spell" and leaves
level 3, elise ganks middle, great
level 4, still asking elise to come top, pointing out once teemo is 6 shes not going to be able to gank anymore because of the mushrooms
no response, elise is roaming around bottom
level 5, im getting really pissed, since at this point teemo has all his skills learned, and leveling up blinding dart which is starting to hurt, i cant trade with him anymore, i need to avoid him to keep my cs up
pinging top, asking elise in chat, shes roaming around middle and bottom doing whatever, killing wolfs, roaming around their jungler, saying nothing
level 6, shrooms out, im equal cs to teemo but now being zoned simply by the matchup, still no elise, towers starting to take hits while i cs under tower
level 7, towers half health, i must recall to buy items to have a chance to stay in lane against teemo (neither one of us recalled, im low due to enemy jungler gank), elise is at our wolves (blue side), i type in chat "im recalling, if you want to keep tower come cover top" she doesnt
i buy my items and am walking up top, teemo sees i bought so recalls to buy his own items, enemy jungler sejuani covers lane, elise comes up river, pings sejuani, hits shrooms, then goes in against sejuani by herself, they trade then both run away
teemo comes back, elise leaves, were now level 10, other lanes are losing, im fully zoned by teemo, lost tower, our fizz mid is losing against malzahar which is a whole different bunch of rage
i needed a 30 second gank at any point in the first 12 minutes of the game, which i clearly said before the game even started, then i would snowball teemo
instead i lane against him for 15 minutes boiling with rage at this asshole elise who is completely ignoring everything i have to say in chat for no reason