Quote (randomtask @ Sun - Mar 16 2014 - 19:02:48)
gonna play about 5 games tonight, will blolg about all of them probably
game 1; top two picks are duo queue, they take both solo lanes
trundle jung (me)
they have insane magic damage bursting potential, this is going to be very tricky
shyvana won lane
bottom lost, but not terribly
tf middle got destroyed by leblanc, then elise, then leblanc, then leblanc and elise, cried about "theres nothing i can do" over and over
nami admitted 10 minutes into the game, that as 5th pick, he didnt choose support, so he wasnt going to buy a single ward or support item, instead went for a rylais first item (why rylais? i cant even make up a reason for a nami in this game to have a rylais)
we somehow took the game 40 minutes, down 5 dragons to 0, down about 15 kills
tristana ended up becoming so huge, kindof out of nowhere, eventually destroyed us (elise and leblanc destroyed midgame thanks to pure feed in middle, but they tapered off late game, they really were fortunate to have trist to deal all the damage)
i would give myself a 2.5/5, did average, was sort of a situation where top was doing too well to help, bot was too far behind to help (and 0 warding), and mid was way too shitty to help
tf mid gets 1/5
adc did well, if nami played as a proper support they would have won, 4/5
nami 1/5 for borderline trolling
shyvana 4/5, won lane somewhat decisively, but tried to be a superhero in teamfights all game
loss -0 LP (0 LP)