Quote (randomtask @ Fri - Mar 28 2014 - 18:44:12)
gragas top
leblanc mid
brand support
caitlyn (me)
we are either gonna be amazing or absolutely suck
holy shit, me and brand are 15-5 vs bot lane and jungle in 15 minutes
our other lanes are SO BAD, that we got absolutely ass raped by udyr, soraka, and heimerdinger
all our casters dived straight into heimerdinger 3 turrets/zhonyas for like 4 fights in a row, i think he got 3 quadra kills
never ever have i ever seen a lane destroy the other team that bad, yet the team get absolutely smashed so easily
we killed both our towers bot, and killed a tower in top and middle, killed 2 dragons, it was a 2v5, or basically a 2v3 because how bad we shut down draven and mundo
and our teammates were trying to talk shit to brand (who was talking insane amounts of shit to them for being useless all game), because they had more farm or earned more gold than brand and i
i wish i had a replay of that game, it cant get any more retarded than that game