Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Aug 9 2014 - 01:17:46)
some team selections are so bad
leshrac, io, and warlock on same team
its not even remotely possible to win when people pick this shit
oh god do i have a story to tell about the game that followed this
i randomed immediately at game start and got templar assassin, a solo mid carry
this other guy is asking if he can mid, i say that i can go safelane carry if he must mid, he picks queen of pain
someone on team picks legion commander, a safelane carry
40 seconds go by
second-last player picks pudge, a mid carry
last player picks ember spirit, a mid carry
we have 4 mids and a safelaner
i spent probably 2 full minutes before buying my items, after minions spawned, because i was just befuddled
queen of pain takes up support role and says he will buy mek
leaves me to also pick up support role, i went straight into orchid
ember spirit said nothing all picking phase, but then randomly starts talking an insane amount of shit to the team for picking bad picks like ta, he also dies twice in 2 min 30 seconds in 1v1 lane with enemy kunka, team mutes him except pudge
legion commander didnt say a word or appear to comprehend anything anyone was trying to say to him for the whole game, he solod roshan 3 times while teamfights were happening at the exact same time (completely by himself, for no reason or without any warning, while nearly dieing all 3 times), he solo roamed shadowblade dueling people the entire game
we somehow win the game on pudges excellent early game to early-midgame with support from me and qop ganking their jungle and shit, legion commander farms bottom lane solo pretty much the whole first 25 min, same with ember spirit farming top (except dieing to kunka every once in a while)
eventually (40 minutes in) ember and lc are so fed with items that even braindead play gets us kills
it was the sloppiest most idiotic game of dota ive ever seen, but we won
pudge also would not shut up talking about how ember spirit was talking so much shit and was toxic and spamming
like you are the only one in the game that can hear him, why are you trying to tell the other 8 people about him is beyond me, even after we tell him to shut up and that we dont care, repeatedly, hes telling the other team too