Quote (randomtask @ Wed - Jun 25 2014 - 21:58:13)
probably gonna get banned from dota 2 for being a dickhead
do i even care
yes, im sure you will be banned by nightfall.
ive typed out 2 different replies and deleted them. they both come across as "youre mean, be nice". thats not it. ultimately all i was trying to get across is that you are the first to break down and mock/tell someone they are trash, or mock their item (or lack of items) or general lack of good decision making. every game things dont go well we can count on you to make sure everyone knows how bad someone is. that attitude is what i was referring to that actually hurts any potential "comeback" win. i was not blaming you for the mid towers getting raped in our 3 games last n8. i know you are smart enough to know this.
also, it would be nice for you to recognize that you are a very aggressive early laner who expects your lane duo to risk death to get a kill/trade kills. its a great approach if you can snowball into a landslide victory. but on the same token it
can backfire and then its a loss. i honestly think you should just be a mid lane char every game. you do generally really good in that roll, and it suits your aggressive style. plus then you dont have a terrible lane partner who can only disappoint you in their performance.
thats it. cya ton8 for more games.