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Joined: May 28 2008
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Champions I Play best
AP Mid
1. Sion
2. Ryze
3. Gragas
AD Carry
Graves, I hate AD
Jungle (My best role)
1. Udyr
2. Skarner
3. Rammus
4. Maokai
5. Nocturne
6. Malphite
7. Nunu
8. Amumu
1. Rumble
2. Cho
3. Malphite counter pick against Trynd
1. Alistar
2. Soraka
3. Taric
Favorite Champions
AP Soraka
Crittlesticks (3 second fear op)
My Runes
9x attack speed
9x armor pen
9x magic pen
9x flat armor
9x flat physical damage
9x flat armor
9x attack speed
9x mana regen per lvl
9x ap per lvl
7x flat health
1x mana per lvl
9x flat mana regen
9x ap per lvl
1x magic pen
9x magic resist per lvl
9x flat magic resist
3x flat ap
3x gold per 10
3x armor pen
3x flat health
3x flat armor
3x physical damage
3x movement speed
3x health regen
I really don't need anymore runes, but I could get some attack speed quits and possibly get health per lvl seals and maybe make a full ryze page.
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I didn't realize you have played so many games Lance. It's a shame that you refuse to play with me for some reason.
I wonder how many (games) I would have if I had them on one account and not several.
This post has been edited by MoS. on Fri - Dec 23 2011 - 00:34:55
Group: Members
Posts: 11,603
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i dont think i've played this game since sometime in october
they continually add new champs that i haven o fucking clue of and it kind of kills any desire i have to get back and play
i think i played dominion or whatever the fuck that circle map is maybe 4 times and that was that
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still top dog janna
#1 support dc net
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It's hard to improve at 1v1 AD/AP since most players on play different roles.
We can't practice effectively.
IE - I really know I need to get better versus a great LeBlanc, Fizz, or Karthus mid, [etc]. on my Cassiopeia, as well as practice more with Malzahar.
Also, I need to play more of the new champions (specifically, ranged or casters, and Lee Sin for jungling), so that I can have better knowledge of how to 1v1 against them more efficiently.
I have played ZERO ranked games on Moonspeaker account. I told myself that I wouldn't until I could pull my normal Wins/Losses over.500, but I can't seem to carry well enough to do it yet. But normal is so full of randomness that I don't think it's a good evaluation of skill.
This post has been edited by MoS. on Sat - Dec 24 2011 - 11:58:00
Group: Members
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I prefer to play Cassiopeia to anyone right now.
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why is this a seperate thread
just curious
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Dunno but im patching now
eta 30 min