Quote (blind_chief @ Sat - Nov 24 2012 - 16:23:16)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Nov 24 2012 - 12:48:48)
Quote (blind_chief @ Sat - Nov 24 2012 - 15:21:45)
also, after like 2000 years of war the computer finally didnt ask for a city. just all my gold.
did you see the fall patch note that said something about going from 5 levels of peace to 9 or so
no, i didnt read anything
im still not even sure how things actually function.
- New peace deals. Now 9 AI levels instead of the previous 5 (so one new level added between each of the earlier ones). Peace levels are now:
o 0: White Peace (give up nothing)
o 1: Armistice (1/2 gold, 1/2 of max GPT)
o 2: Settlement (all gold, max GPT)
o 3: Back-down (all luxuries, all gold, max GPT, open borders)
o 4: Submission (all resources, all gold, max GPT, open borders)
o 5: Surrender (one city)
o 6: Cession (1/4 city value, 1/2 gold)
o 7: Capitulation (1/3 city value, all gold)
o 8: Unconditional Surrender (all but capital, all gold)
- Peace deal code now prioritizes both cities that are close to winner's capital AND cities that were originally built by winning player (previously it was distance only).