Quote (Norse @ Mon - Apr 22 2013 - 09:34:14)
Quote (hedonism @ Mon - Apr 22 2013 - 16:18:56)
Quote (Norse @ Mon - Apr 22 2013 - 00:28:27)
Quote (hedonism @ Mon - Apr 22 2013 - 01:03:51)
how long does it take you to prestige? im prestige 9 level 50 and it seems like it takes 6-7 games to get just 1 level
Maybe like a week or so, league gives you guaranteed 7.5k xp for loss and 10k for win. But yeah, 50+ levels are kinda slow.
In addition to other medals you earn? Do you need a team to play?
It's usually like 45-55 that makes me want to drag my face on cement.
I don't think medals or kills matter at all, it's just 7.5k for loss and 10k for win. So it could mean you have a nice, fun game and get 10k, or your team quits on you and you scratch your balls for <10 minutes and get 7.5k. You don't need a team to play but it always helps. And I think 45 to prestige is pretty much as long as like 1-40 or something.
oh ok, cuz i go many games where i only get like 2-3k
just tried a couple games, went 17-4 on TDM overflow sniping and had a 14 killstreak
thanks for letting me know about this!