Quote (7_Deadly_Sins @ Jun 12 2007 - 21:10)
Quote (Zodijackyl @ Jun 12 2007 - 21:08)
I PMed Souforte with about 25 of them at once one time. Cyba is funny, he needs his warn down a bit so he can actually play LS, because he's not a bad guy.
He done a bit more than 25, more or less 80975690840945383486.
yeah I know, I just PMed him "sig violations" with a bunch of links, he took care of them.
Also, please ban this kid for trying too hard.
http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=8424776&f=34He makes a shit post in every thread I can find, and he think if he spams enough he can get a trusted tag.