Quote (stq @ Jun 14 2007 - 18:29)
Step One - Find someone much more intelligent than you (ie: anyone) and attempt to start an argument
Step Two - When you have been told, resort to using one word responses (ie: Rage, stop and smell the roses, LOL, or Nerd)
Step Three - There really is no step three, it's that easy.
LOL I got you angry so easy, you made a thread about it ROFL.
Shit, nvm. i better not get into too big of an argument here, I wouldn't want to distract anyone from their video games since I know they are that serious.
keke, lolzerz I better get on vent and drink alcohol with other guys talking about how drunk I am.
How to flame stq style:
1.) "Flame" somebody that really doesn't care.
2.) Get owned by a simple word or two and get angry over it.
3.) Make a thread in an attempt to redeem yourself and show how angry you are.
ps: You would have been better off not making this thread, it's like admitting defeat to how mad you got over it.
k bye.