Quote (Sgull @ Feb 6 2008 - 10:51:05)
Quote (ppkpkppk @ Feb 6 2008 - 10:16:47)
Quote (Sgull @ Feb 5 2008 - 22:42:08)
first off, bush is a better president than any of the fish in the sea right now.
secondly, for the primaries I'm voting for obama because if he wins hillary fucks off (she wont be a VP). and obama stands no chance against McCain, who will no doubt beat romney with giuliani's support
and I'm not rich, i read up on politics. everything i hear about the dems makes me want to cut my feet off and offer them to jigsaw to put me in some crazy scheme so i can cut more limbs off
finally, if you remove the dumb people who dont know what they are talking about from the election, who wins? for review: what side is getting all the press coverage, making total fools of themselves, and has well lets face it, largely uneducated followers. Inner city people, poor people, treehuggers, gays. I like listening to mark levin ask people why they are democrat, and then show them that all of their beliefs are actually republican, and all they do is attack him.
Btw...I guess I was tired and never read the last part of your post.
Personally most of my views on social and economic issues are very conservative and do agree with the Republican view. My problem is that I don't believe I have the right to impose my views on the entire country. In addition, Bush has made the Republican party seem so extreme in their views, that I don't know if I could ever vote for a non-liberal Republican (Somebody with the same political views as Giuliani, just not him).
As far as I'm concerned, you fit right in as a dumb voter if you aren't even voting for things you believe in. Do everyone and a favor and don't rock the vote this year
you sound like such a stereotypical egotistical republican you know. like one of my previous posts said, peaple may agree with some republic directives (as we should, and you should also agree with some liberal views, otherwise you really are closing too many doors), but we are forced to pick the issues we find most important.
example. I think that programs should be scrapped, and redone, with incentives on personal motivation. But I can't vote based on that platform when we have an institution who wants nothing more than to impose it's will on the world. I also think gun control is fucking ridiculous. it's a constitutional right to own a gun. but I don't own one, so I probably won't base my vote off of that issue.
What I really believe is we need an office that actually cares about domestic america, not only foreign policy. and by caring, not a $300, or $600 kickback check (bribe) that really does nothing more than appear to help the common person. in reality, that money (economic stimulus package LOL) will be used by most to either buy goods that were manufactured overseas (which does not put money back into the american economy), or to go someplace nice for a change (out to eat, weekend vacation), which does put money back into our economy. but honestly, most people will go to best buy and buy a new tv, not pay off bills to b etter themselves etc.
when we free ourselves of oil, and not just foreign oil, we can start to move away from this ridiculous notion that everything we do is for the betterment of the world (which usually is a part of the issue, not the whole issue).