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St.Peter at the Pearly Gates checking people in. Who are you and what did you do on Earth?. The guy says I'm Barrack Obama and I was the first black President of the United States. St.Peter says The U.S.? A black president? You're kidding me! When did all this happen?. Obama says About 20 minutes ago!
You know, we really don't have too much to worry about with Obama...
When was the last time you heard of a nigger keeping a job for 4 years?
What do MLK Jr, JFK, abe Lincon and Obama have in common?
Nothing, yet!
Group: Members
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Joined: Aug 30 2006
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heard them all, but still funny id say
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What do Obama and snow tire have in common?
Need chains to work right.
Group: Guest
Posts: 14,414
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obama can be abiotic and biotic