Since your job is taking you out for lots of lunch dates, consider a few things:
1) No liquid calories (IE - shit with sugar - soda, lemonade, beer, cocktails)
I am gonna dump all cokes and sweet tea, but can not get rid of my coffee in the morning1b) Protein Shakes are okay
2) Fried = Grease = Fat calories = Unhealthy, for bitch tits and your arteries
I can cut these out pretty easy2a) Grilled, Broiled = Chicken & fish, don't like fish then learn to like it.
love me some fish/shellfish so no prob here3) "NO CARBS" is bullshit, eat the right carbs - rice, pasta, they have long carbohydrate (sugar) chains that take the body a long time to break down, providing fuel (energy)
so eating rice is good?4) Have a cheat meal once a week, go nuts, have some pizza, eat some fried chicken, reward yourself for hard work and staying committed
can do!!!5) Eating "healthy" is more expensive than not caring and letting your bitch tits develop, I would know, my set has me embarrassed about myself to the point that I've avoided looking for employment, hitting on girls, and not showing up to certain events because of how pathetic they are.
yea bitch tits suck ass, I feel your pain dudeCheck out these, I did 3 of these after my work out on Monday and wanted to die (mainly because I'm out of shape and it was at the end of the work out, but they aren't a joke):
will check it out when i get home a side note, let's say a beer has shot or beer has a rough average of 120 calories. I used to consume 15-20 of these, 3-5 times a week, minimum. That's anywhere from 5,400 - 12,000 calories alone in booze, that's 3-6 days of eating, just in liquid. This is huge... think about it.
I have cut my beer intake down to maybe 6-10 on a normal week, give or take depending on how much I eat out and who I am eating with