Quote (smoked @ Thu - Jan 21 2010 - 02:00:38)
I plan on starting HIIT once I lose alittle more weight so I dont overstress my joints and cause damage
If your BMI is around 25 ish, you'll be okay. Anything higher, consider losing weight before trying it unless you're pretty muscular.
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Thu - Jan 21 2010 - 01:40:12)
Quote (smoked @ Wed - Jan 20 2010 - 23:04:40)
Quote (RewtheBrave @ Tue - Jan 19 2010 - 13:41:18)
P90X is going well but I'm shifting to a power-based program soon for basketball.
power based program such as ?
I was kinda wondering that. I think maybe he's going to do more pylo's and some heavy leg work, coupled with sprint drills? Or maybe he'll go HIIT?
That's exactly right. Going to do more plyo's and leg work and well as bike sprints starting on the weekend, and then I'll get back on heavy weights asap. Sprint drills in the spring, since there's a nearby hill I want to work on. I did some work there last year and saw good results in a big hurry. Normally it's wiser to do the weights then the plyo, but I leg press 1k+ for reps so strength isn't an issue. I'll want to work more on my power base than my strength base, but I'll do what I can to make strength gains. No idea what I squat now, but much less than my leg press ofc. Will go with sqauts and some power variations once I decide on a gym. I'm also going to invest in some jumpsoles or similar training shoes for shoot-arounds and some drills. Most of the heavy stuff will wait until around the springs/playoffs in my league. I just don't want to mess up the current balance with potential injury.