Quote (RewtheBrave @ Tue - Mar 9 2010 - 15:46:26)
Quote (MoS. @ Tue - Mar 9 2010 - 15:45:46)
Been lifting pretty well for 2 months now, don't show any progress physically, I've also gained weight (I don't think that's a good idea).
I have no dieted or done any cardio, going to just finish the 12 weeks of lifting, hope to get a job, and then figure out if I should try to just bulk (keep getting stronger) or cut (because I'm fat enough already).
I should post some pictures.
Cardio is good for you, may as well add it. Diet is half the battle, so that may be why you're not seeing a lot of visual progress. Ask questions and find stuff out to make sure you're doing it right m8
I could easily design a meal plan, actually John can tell you, he's seen it. I have plans for 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 calorie a day diets (normally same meals, portions just scaled higher).
I feel that my overall lack of self esteem leads to me feeling more lethargic, I feel I should have more energy than I do.
I don't really know if what I am doing is physically demanding enough or not, I only do 4 lifts a work out. I was figuring that the KISS method would work best for beginning (mainly so I didn't get burned out and quit).