If you don't want to read the whole thing, just watch my videos atleast and read the first 3 paragraphs/sentences.
First, I would like to think all my family, friends, training partners and the support online for making this possible. A huge thank you to each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.
If you like my videos, please just post a comment give it a thumbs up.The guy hosting the meet (David) was nice enough to let me do both the bench part for myself, to get a personal record and dead lift.
I weighed in at 188 on Friday and was in the 170-195 class (I know, wtf?)
The rule briefing started at 8 am, my grandmother let me spend the night with her so I didn't have to drive so far.
I was so nervous this morning I would literally just look at the food and I'd gag and dry heave...I finally was able to get some down.
1st attempt:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuZtYG2GaAcI felt really good on it, got it easy, after this one I was a new person, no longer nervious and not talking a mile a minute.
2nd Attempt:
300x1 Miss?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ustGggph2q0I felt strong, the best I got in the gym was 295..so I decided just to go for a PR and get 300. I got 2 reds on it b/c my butt was up.
However, Renee, a power lifting judge who was sitting at my feet said it didn't come up and it might have been because of my baggy sweat pants.
It was Davids first meet, and the judges recently got certified about 2 days ago..I know Renee wouldn't say that if it wasn’t true and she'd call me in a heartbeat..so I won't count it as a meet lift per say, but I did get 300 and I'll use that as my training max..it took me about 3 years but I finally got to the 300 pound club!
I took a 3rd attempt /w 300 to say I got it in the meet, I was out of gas and didn't get it.
My friend Kyle got a free sample from some guys giving them out..It’s called White Lighting..and I highly suggest you take 1 serving or try it out before hand. More on that later.
Dead lifts
500x1 Attempt 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P04dzRgdbO0Felt good, looked good, I was happy with how it turned out.
525x1 Attempt 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNy0yo07b9AAlso felt good.
550x1 Attempt 3(PR kind of)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxijAelpJhsThis is a PR because I didn't know it at the time, but we were using a regular power bar, and not the Oakie we brought..Which makes it a lot harder, so I figure I could have gotten another 10-25 pounds if I had the good bar.
560x1 Attempt 4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s0IqXId6ZoI felt good on 550 so i wanted to go for broke..I wasn’t happy /w not setting a PR b/c I didn't know about the bar.
I felt like I might have been able to muscle it up, but I didn't want to take a chance of risking injury, bottom line I didn't get it.
Now, those pills I took were scary..never again.
I took them, and almost passed out 4 times after each dead lift attempt.
I held my breath the whole time, and after words I was in a different world..I couldn't hear anything, and I barely kept vision of everything..real scary, but I was good after about 20 seconds after each lift.
Now I will say I fell in love /w the platform from the March meet I went to, but this really kicked it for me. I'm going to do my Nov meet still as planned, and I can't wait to smash my PRs. I'm going to try my best to smash a world record in that federation in the junior division for dead lift.
I got 2nd place..They totaled it weird..Instead of pound for pound, they added up the total of your 3 lifts and who ever had the highest won..god bless Shane who got 720 DL and lost to someone who got 500 twice.
Had I know how they were going to total the winner, I might have done something different, but it's no biggie, I'm glad to have the experience under my belt..I need to drink a lot more water before hand.
The guy who got first was Kyle, my buddy from the gym, and I believe he should have won it. I'm happy /w the results and can't wait to get back onto the platform again soon.
I highly encourage anyone reading this if they're thinking about doing a meet, go ahead and do it, your excuse might be I’m not strong enough..Well guess what? You'll never be strong enough, so just go have fun, and smash some records.
Thanks everyone for reading and watching my videos!