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So P90x Made Me Weak.
Views: 19115 | Replies: 182 | Started 14 years, 6 months ago
#721936 | Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 22:44:31
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No, really. Went to the gym on Saturday and my major lifts all sucked ass. So I'm going to modify p90x, doing oly lifts and some of the p90x cardio shit.

Todays workout:

Walk/Run 5 minute warmup/then stretching ofc

Squat: 135 x 5, 185 x 8, 225 x 6, 250 x 5
Bench: 115 x 5, 135 x 5, 140 x 5, 145 x 5, 135 x 5
DL: 135 x 5, 225 x 5
Superset (Wide Grip Pullups/Dips) 8/12
Superset (Close Grip Pullups/Chair Dips) 10/35

Depending on Soreness, will be doing p90x plyo tomorrow. If it's too bad, will just wait and hit the gym on Thurs.
#721938 | Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 22:51:54
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Damn that sucks m8, squats are still nb

whats your current weight if you dont mind me askin?
#721946 | Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 23:10:43
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about as strong as me tbh, i have you a little bit on bench/deadlift though
#721959 | Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 23:56:17
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p90x is bad
#722275 | Wed - Jun 16 2010 - 22:05:05
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Quote (smoked @ Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 22:51:54)
Damn that sucks m8, squats are still nb

whats your current weight if you dont mind me askin?

Current weight: 140.2. (I'm 5'7") I've dropped ~20 lbs and STILL haven't gotten rid of my gut. I'm about to just suck it up to old age, and worry about getting strong instead.

Quote (BBQ @ Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 23:10:43)
about as strong as me tbh, i have you a little bit on bench/deadlift though

Cool. This is a very "weak" version of me. I expect numbers to jump up pretty quickly as long as I eat right.

Quote (7_Deadly_Sins @ Tue - Jun 15 2010 - 23:56:17)
p90x is bad

I wouldn't go that far... it's just not going to add any power to you if you already have some serious weight lifting experience in the past. It will aid in giving you more stanima...but over all power? Only if you were weak and untrained to begin with.
#722291 | Wed - Jun 16 2010 - 22:53:32
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running and eating less will make your lifts drop whoda thought?
#722647 | Thu - Jun 17 2010 - 19:35:55
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Quote (Du$tin @ Wed - Jun 16 2010 - 22:53:32)

running and eating less will make your lifts drop whoda thought?

P90X /= Running.
#722648 | Thu - Jun 17 2010 - 19:40:07
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Tonights workout:

Run/walk 5 min warmup
Le Stretch

Squats: 10 x 135, 8 x 225, 4 x 250, 10 x 225. Crapped out on the 250's....yet 225 was pretty damned easy. Mental block I think.
Standing Military Press: Bar x 15, 5 x 95, 5 x 100, 5 x 105
Power Cleans: 5 x 115, 3 x 120, 4 x 120. Paused a few times, ruined the last two sets.

Bike Ride 5 min cool down
Rockin' out a RTD 51 and some V8 right now. Fuckin' Yummy.
#722715 | Thu - Jun 17 2010 - 21:19:23
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forgot to add I also did 3 rope roll-ups with 10lbs. My forearms were on fire.
#723074 | Sat - Jun 19 2010 - 16:22:32
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Note: Stimerex-ES + NO explode pre-workout = too much. Dizzy, twitching, and I can't decide if I'm going to puke or not.


5 min walk/run warmup.

Squat: 7 x 135, 6 x 225, 5 x 245, 5 x 265, 1 (failed) x 275. Sat down too long with it, fuck I wanted that so much.
Bench: bar x 15, 5 x 145, 5 x 150, 5 x 145 (wanted to go up more, told myself not to get greedy)
DL: 5 x 135, 5 x 225, 1 x 275. Took forever to lock out on this, but hey, got it. Pretty stoked though tbh.

Superset 1 (close grip pullups + dips)12/12, then 6/7. Almost fainted at the end, lol.

E: 3 mile bike ride for cooldown.

Post workout BW: 141.4. RTD 51 and some V8 on hand after more water.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Sat - Jun 19 2010 - 16:22:57
#724048 | Tue - Jun 22 2010 - 23:06:25
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Fuck yo couch niggah!


5 min run/walk
OLD MAN STRETCH. When I stretched out my glutes, there were some homies looking at me like WTF. Probably because they were stuck staring at my ass. Was epic.

SQUAT: 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 250 x 5, 265 x 5, 275 x 4. Pretty sure I could have done the 5th rep (which was too much anyways, but felt p good) but decided not to get greedy.

STANDING MILITARY PRESS: 105 x 5, 110 x 5, 110 x 5. Nothing special here. Just did my thing, and forced myself not to get ahead of myself.

POWER CLEANS: 115 x 5, 120 x 5, 125 x 3.5. Here I got greedy, but I suppose it was bound to happen all things considering.

After this mess, did 4 rope roll ups, because I don't want mah gripz keeping me from doing big thangs.

Had to go over to my Dads former house tonight and tear apart one of those weight machines, meant I didn't get home until about 20 minutes ago. Was happy though I had the energy to get it done and I don't (currently) feel wrecked. Things are progressing really fucking nice so far.
#724062 | Tue - Jun 22 2010 - 23:21:32
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Also: (Suppliment note) Currently using Animal Pack, some Walmart knock off NO product (has creatine and caffine in it as well...meh), and started my 2 week free sample of force factor.

Once the FF/knock off are gone, I'll be using Jack3d instead. Maybe try Amplify 02 after that(to compare the two). I wanted to get my hands on some Beastdrol or something similar... but don't know if I want to go that route yet. Way too early to be thinking about that.
#724529 | Thu - Jun 24 2010 - 21:30:44
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Bought my Jack3d today from DPS nutrition, will be interested in seeing how it works in a few weeks when I run out of what I have.

Todays Workout

Run/walk 5 min

SQUAT: 135 x 8, 225 x 5, 275 x 5, 280 x 5, 285 x 5. Felt like I could have done more too. Gotta remember to pace myself. Muscles might still be there...tendons prolly not,

FLAT BENCH (BARBELL OFC) Bar x 15, 150 x 5, 150 x 5, 145 x 5. Have I mentioned I hate benching? Shit numbers on it, even when I worked out non-stop and was on cycle. Oh well. I suppose getting back to repping 185 should just be enough. (otherwords stop bitching Eric)

DEAD LIFT: 135 x 5, 225 x 4, 275 x 1, 295 x (1/2), 225 x 4 - Was going to do 285 x 1, got greedy, threw another 10lbs on. Close, but no cigar.

CHIN UP/ DIP SUPERSETS: 13/12, then 8/8.

COOL DOWN/CARDIO SHIT: 19 min on bike, 7+ miles, dunno exact numbers/distance because I was going to stop at 15 min, decided to push it, then got a super fucking bad cramp in my right calf that literally made me jump off the bike.

Going to get my bf tested on Sat pre workout. Forgot to weight myself at the gym. However current weight at home (sans shoes): 140.2. Feeling a little dehydrated, so going to h2o it serious tonight. Then piss my bed.
#725230 | Sat - Jun 26 2010 - 19:07:29
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Note to self: Don't horse around in the gym when you don't have that much time anyways because it closes at 6.

Todays Workout:

GET MEASURED FIRST, LOL: 141.2 bw pre-workout, body fat measured at 13.3%. According to my math, that works out to 18.8 lbs of fat on me atm, and roughly 5-ish lbs to lose to get to 10% ish bf. 8 would be great, 10% and visible abs would let me feel good about starting to clean bulk.
Also, according to "their" charts. This puts me at .6% away from being in the "superior" range for bf at my age. Yeah...dunno about that.


STANDING BARBELL OVERHEAD PRESSES: Bar x 10, 110 x 5, 115 x 5, 120 x 5. Had to start on these because big dude was already squatting when I got there (see below).

SQUAT: 135 x 10, 225 x 0(failed first time, sat down and was like wtfweaklol, 225 x 5, 250 x 5, 275 x 5, 295 x 1(4). On the 295 I did 4 reps, but only on 1 would I give myself credit for going down far enough. Weight scared me I guess, especially after the 225 debacle. Got a late start because a big guy was squatting, he said I could work in with him.... but he was way taller, and he went up to 550. Cool guy though.

POWERCLEANS: 125 x 4, 125 x 4. Time got away from me. Gym closes at 6, so rushed to get two sets in and had to leave it at that. No cool down, no rope roll ups.

Had my rtd 51, then had to tear down a waterbed. Now cleaning out our pet rats cages, because no one else will. Oh, and installed a new door handle on the bathroom door.
#725302 | Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 10:01:21
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How exactly did the measure BF? Calipers or BMI or?

And your squats like better than mine which makes me upset...
#725320 | Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 12:26:54
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Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 10:01:21)
How exactly did the measure BF?  Calipers or BMI or?

And your squats like better than mine which makes me upset...

Some electronic thing you grip, they feed into it your height/weight/age etc beforehand. Better than calipers, not as accurate as total immersion, course not many gyms have a tank set aside for that. Shame too.

Soz bout the squats mate. I've always been relatively strong, helped out a lot in wrestling. Do you go ass to grass or jut parallel? I'm just going parellel atm (enough that it would count if I were competing, ofc), will go back to atg once I'm back over 315. Either way, when you think about it though, you are doing more than me. When you squat down you're doing your own bodyweight + whatever you load up on the bar.
#725324 | Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 12:50:23
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Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 13:26:54)
Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 10:01:21)
How exactly did the measure BF?  Calipers or BMI or?

And your squats like better than mine which makes me upset...

Some electronic thing you grip, they feed into it your height/weight/age etc beforehand. Better than calipers, not as accurate as total immersion, course not many gyms have a tank set aside for that. Shame too.

Soz bout the squats mate. I've always been relatively strong, helped out a lot in wrestling. Do you go ass to grass or jut parallel? I'm just going parellel atm (enough that it would count if I were competing, ofc), will go back to atg once I'm back over 315. Either way, when you think about it though, you are doing more than me. When you squat down you're doing your own bodyweight + whatever you load up on the bar.

Always ATG and its just frustrating since I have been cutting since september and having a leg injury that appears will be somewhat chronic but I mean my max is probably 315-335 currently if I went for 1RM but not trying that...

And thats interesting, I might have to see if I know a place that has that but since im fat it might not be that accurate
#725333 | Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 13:53:15
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Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 12:50:23)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 13:26:54)
Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 10:01:21)
How exactly did the measure BF?  Calipers or BMI or?

And your squats like better than mine which makes me upset...

Some electronic thing you grip, they feed into it your height/weight/age etc beforehand. Better than calipers, not as accurate as total immersion, course not many gyms have a tank set aside for that. Shame too.

Soz bout the squats mate. I've always been relatively strong, helped out a lot in wrestling. Do you go ass to grass or jut parallel? I'm just going parellel atm (enough that it would count if I were competing, ofc), will go back to atg once I'm back over 315. Either way, when you think about it though, you are doing more than me. When you squat down you're doing your own bodyweight + whatever you load up on the bar.

Always ATG and its just frustrating since I have been cutting since september and having a leg injury that appears will be somewhat chronic but I mean my max is probably 315-335 currently if I went for 1RM but not trying that...

And thats interesting, I might have to see if I know a place that has that but since im fat it might not be that accurate

Rome wasn't built in a day man. You don't get out of shape overnight, so you don't get back in shape overnight either. You're making a fuck-load of progress, all one has to do is look at your pics.

What exactly is the nature of your injury? As for 1RM, dunno what mine would be right now, figure I should be able to do 315, but gotta be patient.
#725336 | Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 13:59:55
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Quote (7_Deadly_Sins @ Wed - Jun 16 2010 - 00:56:17)
p90x is bad


it's rly good for athletics and cardio, it's just not good for pure str gains.

keep up the good work
#725347 | Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 14:58:29
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Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 14:53:15)
Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 12:50:23)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 13:26:54)
Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 10:01:21)
How exactly did the measure BF?  Calipers or BMI or?

And your squats like better than mine which makes me upset...

Some electronic thing you grip, they feed into it your height/weight/age etc beforehand. Better than calipers, not as accurate as total immersion, course not many gyms have a tank set aside for that. Shame too.

Soz bout the squats mate. I've always been relatively strong, helped out a lot in wrestling. Do you go ass to grass or jut parallel? I'm just going parellel atm (enough that it would count if I were competing, ofc), will go back to atg once I'm back over 315. Either way, when you think about it though, you are doing more than me. When you squat down you're doing your own bodyweight + whatever you load up on the bar.

Always ATG and its just frustrating since I have been cutting since september and having a leg injury that appears will be somewhat chronic but I mean my max is probably 315-335 currently if I went for 1RM but not trying that...

And thats interesting, I might have to see if I know a place that has that but since im fat it might not be that accurate

Rome wasn't built in a day man. You don't get out of shape overnight, so you don't get back in shape overnight either. You're making a fuck-load of progress, all one has to do is look at your pics.

What exactly is the nature of your injury? As for 1RM, dunno what mine would be right now, figure I should be able to do 315, but gotta be patient.

Thanks, I mean I know I didnt get out of shape overnight and wont get back until later but I sincerely blame medical roids for making me gain 90-100lbs in 6-9months without any other change in diet and habits

I thought and probably did tear my anterior tibia on lower left leg, xray and mri didnt show any damage after 8 weeks but still have weird feelings and pain at times in the area.
#725756 | Mon - Jun 28 2010 - 23:30:57
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Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 14:58:29)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 14:53:15)
Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 12:50:23)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 13:26:54)
Quote (smoked @ Sun - Jun 27 2010 - 10:01:21)
How exactly did the measure BF?  Calipers or BMI or?

And your squats like better than mine which makes me upset...

Some electronic thing you grip, they feed into it your height/weight/age etc beforehand. Better than calipers, not as accurate as total immersion, course not many gyms have a tank set aside for that. Shame too.

Soz bout the squats mate. I've always been relatively strong, helped out a lot in wrestling. Do you go ass to grass or jut parallel? I'm just going parellel atm (enough that it would count if I were competing, ofc), will go back to atg once I'm back over 315. Either way, when you think about it though, you are doing more than me. When you squat down you're doing your own bodyweight + whatever you load up on the bar.

Always ATG and its just frustrating since I have been cutting since september and having a leg injury that appears will be somewhat chronic but I mean my max is probably 315-335 currently if I went for 1RM but not trying that...

And thats interesting, I might have to see if I know a place that has that but since im fat it might not be that accurate

Rome wasn't built in a day man. You don't get out of shape overnight, so you don't get back in shape overnight either. You're making a fuck-load of progress, all one has to do is look at your pics.

What exactly is the nature of your injury? As for 1RM, dunno what mine would be right now, figure I should be able to do 315, but gotta be patient.

Thanks, I mean I know I didnt get out of shape overnight and wont get back until later but I sincerely blame medical roids for making me gain 90-100lbs in 6-9months without any other change in diet and habits

I thought and probably did tear my anterior tibia on lower left leg, xray and mri didnt show any damage after 8 weeks but still have weird feelings and pain at times in the area.

They couldn't find any trauma to the area at all? That's weird. Medical steroids...but not anabolic I'd take it... PednisOne? My getting out of shape is all me getting older and drinking way too much. I can see the end of stage one though. Gotta push on though!

Note: My Jack3d came today. I'm looking forward to posting the results of my first workout on it tomorrow night.
#725971 | Tue - Jun 29 2010 - 20:14:19
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TODAYS WORKOUT: (First one on Jack)

Run 5 min, 3 min walk cooldown. Even after the cooldown my pace left me at a 10 minute mile. Felt like just banging out some miles on the treadmill....but I'm here to life nukka.

Stretch ofc.

SQUAT: 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 280 x 5, 285 x 5, 290 x 5 - Last set kinda hard, but nothing out of the ordinary. Felt like banging out additional sets tbh.

FLAT BARBELL BENCH: Bar x 10, 150 x 5, 155 x 5, 155 x 3(failed on 4)- Meh. I hate fucking bench.

DEADLIFT: 155 x 5, 245 x 4, 275 x 1, 285 x 1, 225 x 3 - Doing extra again here, just felt like the cool kid thing to do.


CABLE FLYS: 8 X 30, 6 X 40, 6 X 30 - I just felt chest didn't get hit enough. Squeezed as hard as I could throughout.

BIKE COOL DOWN: 5.11 miles in 14:12. (Progressively stepped up the intensity 0-3). Uh....wanted to do more...told my self to gtfo and leave it alone.

Overall a pretty nasty workout imho. Had a bannana and my rtd 51 for dinner. Chugging some water now.
#726339 | Wed - Jun 30 2010 - 19:57:24
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Slowly incorporating p90x cardio workouts into my current routine. Tonight did the first 30 minutes of kempo k. FFS forgot how much I sweat when I do these.
#726565 | Thu - Jul 1 2010 - 19:32:09
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Todays bodacious workout:

Preworkout Weight: 143.0

Run/Walk Warmup (.82 mi, 8:00 minutes....5 min run, 3 min walk cooldown... got up to 9.5mph on the run part)

SQUAT: Some dudes thought they were hard and were squatting, so had to work in with them. 135 x 5, 235 x 5 (they didn't go any higher, lolrz), 290 x 5, 290 x 5, 290 x 5. Thought about going higher....but got dizzy as all shit on the last rep on the last two sets. Didn't want to chance a blackout and crush myself.

STANDING MILITARY BARBELL PRESS: 115 x 5, 115 x 5, 115 x 4. Coughing up a damn lung before and during these, thought I was going to puke. Not a happy feeling at all.

POWER CLEANS: 125 x 3, 120 x 5, 120 x 5. Nothing to add here really. Coughing stopped by the last set. Still felt weird.

Then, because I got an energy surge...

CALF RAISES ON LEG PRESS MACHINE: 6 plates (3 each side) x 25, 8 plates (4 each side) x 20, 10 plates (5 each side) x 15. Dunno. I have skinny ass calves, wanted to work them a bit.

COOL DOWNZ: 2 miles on the bike in 5:35 or something. Not doing more than that anymore, since I'm doing cardio on off days.

Overall I'd rate this a 7/10 workout. Felt like shit, missed some lifts, but didn't regress really.

Also: the cleaner I eat....the more I'm shitting. I crapped 5 real shits today. Big, firm, life afferming shits. I feel like I'm shitting out far more than I'm taking in. LOLFIBERZ

#727106 | Sat - Jul 3 2010 - 16:35:45
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Todays Workout:

Run/Walk 6 min.... 0.71 mile


SQUAT: 135 x 5, 5 x 225, 5 x 295, 5 x 300, 5 x 305, 4(2) x 315: 2 good reps at 315, 2 I didn't go down far enough.

BENCH: Bar x 10, 155 x 3, 155 x 4, 145 x 5: Fuck Bench, that is all.

DEAD LIFT: 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 1, 295 x 1(fail), 290 x 1(fail) 225 x 5. Both fails were 3/4th of the way up.

CHINUP/DIP SUPERSETS: 12/13, 8/7: Nothing to add...meh

FLAT BENCH DUMBELL PRESSES: 40 x 5, 40 x 5. Thought I'd better do a little extra in, because my damned bench is so pathetic.

SHRUGS: 55 x 5, 55 x 5, 55 x 5: Dunno, wasn't ready to leave the gym yet.

COOLDOWN: Bike ??? in ???: Was about 4 minutes in, when an old dude missed a step going into the cardio room and collapsed. Jumped off the bike and with a trainer helped the old guy to a chair. I think he was like 90 years old. Poor guy. Feel really bad for him.

Post workout BW: 139.8

Banana and RTD 51 ofc now.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Sat - Jul 3 2010 - 16:36:20
#727602 | Tue - Jul 6 2010 - 20:01:17
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Warmup: Half mile in 3:34, 1 minute cool down.

SQUAT: 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 300 x 5, 300 x 5 (3), 225 x 5. Meh. Felt like shit, it showed.

STANDING BARBELL MILITARY PRESSES: 100 x 5, 105 x 5, 110 x 5.

POWER CLEANS: 95 x 3, 125 x 3, 130 x 1(2) 130 x 1(2), 125 x 3. Going for 5 x 3 now, to keep form tight, obviously was a fucking failure tonight.

CALF RAISES ON LEG PRESS MACHINE: 6 plates (3 each side) x 15, 8 plates (4 each side) x 15, 10 plates (5 each side) x 15.

ROPE ROLL UPS (10lb weight) x 4


COOL DOWN: 5 minute walk on treadmill.

I want to die right now. BLEH
#728166 | Thu - Jul 8 2010 - 19:55:24
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I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger.

Todays Workout (Pre-Workout BW w/ shoes on 145.4)


Half Mile in 3:12, 1 minute cool down.
10 or so minutes of stretching.


135 x 5
225 x 5
300 x 5
305 x 5
310 x 5
295 x 5

Nothing special to note here. I did squats, other than I'm slowly starting to focus more and more on form. I rushed things in the beginning I think. Probably going to lead to a real early reset. These felt really good.


Bar x 10
135 x 3
155 x 5
155 x 4
150 x 5
135 x 6

Still hate benching, but again was really trying to focus on having much better form. Squeezing my shoulders as far back as I can then trying to grab the bar while keeping everything on the ground was lol. But if I work on it, I can get better. I definitely felt more like my chest got a good stretch today.


135 x 4
235 x 5
285 x 1(0) Failed! Got 2/3 of the way up then almost completely blacked out, was not cool.

Chin-up/Dip Super Sets:


Was just gassed by this point.

Overall a decent workout. Probably a 7/10. I have some sticking points, and the blackout was scary. I know I'm not sleeping enough, and most of that is due to the fact I'm up with the Sun, and everyone here is a night-owl, so we're talking lke 3-6 is my prime sleep-time. I need more sleep by far, pretty sure doing enough h20. I'm also going to slightly increase my caloric intake, and see if that helps. I can't seem to cut any further right now anyways, so adding a few lbs before doing more of a real cut might be useful as long as it's muscle.

Oh, and to be like all the cool kids, here's a shitty pic:

User Image
#729035 | Sat - Jul 10 2010 - 17:31:39
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This next energy has to come deep inside, push hard to find it!

Todays Workout: (Pre-Workout BW 140.6, BF test @ 13.6%. Drinking is bad)


Half Mile in 3:54, 1 minute cool down.
Stretching as per usual, though sped up a bit because time limits.


135 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 5
315 x 5

Big dude that usually is there on Sat. was kinda working in with, so rushed a bit. Weight felt fine. Hardest part was walking out with it. Time to drop and go super low.

Standing Military Barbell Presses

Bar x 10
115 x 3
115 x 4
115 x 4

Working on technique. Also I think I need to stop pulling straight from the floor. Would help.


125 x 1
125 x 3
125 x 2
120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 2

Trying to work on form. Big dude was helping. I have issues with keeping my back straight and my chest up, and my ass out. Also working on my grip. When I sit down in the hole for this and dead-lifts, and sit right, I feel like I'm going to fall on my ass. However I can feel the stretch much more in my quads than before, and my back isn't as rounded. I'm hoping this will lead to bigger lifts on down the road.

No cool-down, got kicked of the gym.

RTD + BANANLOLA for post pw.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Sat - Jul 10 2010 - 17:33:59
#729971 | Sun - Jul 11 2010 - 20:44:50
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Dam Sard I never realized how small of a guy you are, that is all
#730009 | Mon - Jul 12 2010 - 00:01:58
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Quote (bubbachunk @ Sun - Jul 11 2010 - 20:44:50)
Dam Sard I never realized how small of a guy you are, that is all

Yeah 5'7, between 140-160 depending on the time of year. According to the peeps at the gym (Bench notwithstanding) they seem to think I'm pretty strong. Meh. Not where I used to be at all.

#731184 | Tue - Jul 13 2010 - 19:45:46
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Are you ready now? To witness a power not seen for thousands of years?!!?!?!

Today's Workout (Preworkout BW 143.0)


Half Mile Run 3:24
One minute walk cooldown.


135 x 5 (ATF)
225 x 5 (ATF)
275 x 5 (ATF)
315 x 5 (P)
320 x 5 (P)
325 x 5 (P)
225 x 10 (P)

I didn't realize it until now, but I did a fuck-ton of squats today...felt good.


Bar x 10
135 x 3
155 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 4

Still hate benching, ofc.


135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 1
245 x 3

Really trying to work on form here. Back still too rounded, not feeling it enough in my legs. Wtf, maybe I'm just a terrible deadlifter. Going to keep plugging at it.

Flat Dumbell presses:

45's x 8
50'x x 7

Wanted to get more stretch in the chest, so did a few sets of these.

Chin-up/Dip Superset:


Took a bit more time with these, hoping for more reps. Meh.

Decent workout, told another guy about Jack3d, better than drinking the NOS's I usually see him drink.

#733065 | Thu - Jul 15 2010 - 21:21:30
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Is it time? Are we ascending?

Some notes to start with:

Tired of being hungry all the fucking time, thus, going to add another meal into it. So I may not get a six pack, at least not right now. Done caring. I'm getting veins popping out of my arms and my shoulders and I see one that wants to come out in my chest. I'll be vascular and ripped until you get to my midsection. Whatever. Also I keep saying I'm going to do cardio or at least ab work and not doing it. Fuck that. Doing ab-ripper x at least 2x a week from now on. Also I'm going to reset everything starting Saturday. I did some mods today, but a complete reset will commence on Saturday, and going 5 x 5 with lower weight and more emphasis on form. Back has been sore for over a week, and until I get shit completely right form wise, I'm running too far a risk of injuring myself.

Onward and upward.

Todays workout: Pre-workout bw 143.0.


Half mile in 3:03, 1 minute cool down.


135 x 5 (slightly lower than p)
225 x 5 (right at p)
245 x 5 (right at p)
225 x 5 (slightly lower)
205 x 5 (slightly lower)
185 x 5 (slightly lower)
185 x 5 (slightly lower)

Notes: Meh, I really like going heavy and how it feels across my back, but let's face it, going to p or just above p while going heavy isn't doing my squats any justice. Hence the reset. I'm going to probably drop to 165 and do 5 x 5, and start working my way up in 5 lb or 10lb increments. It's fun to move a lot of weight, but it's better to be perfect on form and then once that's achieved you REALLY start moving weight.

Standing Barbell Military Presses:

95 x 5
115 x 5
115 x 5
105 x 5

Notes: Since no one needed the rack, did them there so less effort to move them up to shoulders and then press. Nothing special here.

Power Cleans

95 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3
120 x 3

Notes: Will be keeping these around the same weight, as I'm really getting my form down. Also still going to do 5 x 3 instead of 5 x 5. Other main compound lift that won't go 5 x 5 will be deads ofc. 1 x 5 or 2 x 5. Not sure where I'm going with that yet.

Deep Swimmers Presses:

35 x 8
40 x 5
40 x 5

Notes: Might wind up dropping these for a few weeks until the 5 x 5 routine doesn't feel like I'm hitting it enough.

Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine:

6(3)Plates x 15
8(4)Plates x 12
10(5)Plates x 10

Notes: I have stick calves, I need to try and get them to grow.

Cool Down:

5 minute walk @ 4.5, 3 minute automated cool down after that.
Some light stretching.

I suppose this was a decent workout. Like I said really want to get form right. I pushed myself to get close to my old form fast. Need to take a step back now and relax with it. The added reps and the greater attention to pure form will keep the intensity high, and will only serve to aid me in the long run.

ofc rtd 51 and banana was ate after. Eating again in an hour (2 fresco chicken soft tacos). Upping water intake to 1 ga instead of the regular ol' 64ish oz, and upping protien from about 150 to 180, while ramping up the calories.

We'll see how this feels.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Thu - Jul 15 2010 - 21:23:34
#733117 | Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 06:18:41
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I would reccomend not doing cardio even as a warmup before lifting, just make your warm up stretching and then a light set or two

I do atg on all my squats, and well we shall see how today goes for me...

Slow and steady wins the race, dont need to get jacked in a few weeks, takes time
#733256 | Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 17:56:51
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Quote (smoked @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 06:18:41)
I would reccomend not doing cardio even as a warmup before lifting, just make your warm up stretching and then a light set or two

I do atg on all my squats, and well we shall see how today goes for me...

Slow and steady wins the race, dont need to get jacked in a few weeks, takes time

Stretching cold puts you at a higher risk for injury, and really, the half mile isn't much of cardio for me. I mean I'm on the tredmill less than 5 minutes.

You're right about the last part. I just wanted to start by pushing myself. Getting too old to just go balls out, it's reckless.
#733319 | Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 20:17:27
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You're barely stronger than I am sir.
#733325 | Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 20:37:20
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Quote (sardoniclysane @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 17:56:51)
Quote (smoked @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 06:18:41)
I would reccomend not doing cardio even as a warmup before lifting, just make your warm up stretching and then a light set or two

I do atg on all my squats, and well we shall see how today goes for me...

Slow and steady wins the race, dont need to get jacked in a few weeks, takes time

Stretching cold puts you at a higher risk for injury, and really, the half mile isn't much of cardio for me. I mean I'm on the tredmill less than 5 minutes.

You're right about the last part. I just wanted to start by pushing myself. Getting too old to just go balls out, it's reckless.

cold stretching is absolutely horrible for you, i had to write a report on it for some bullshit class but i dont remember any of it because im a pothead.

but yeah, dont stretch cold for sure
#733330 | Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 22:04:31
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Quote (MoS. @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 20:17:27)
You're barely stronger than I am sir.

Thanks for your obligatory troll post.

Quote (BBQ @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 20:37:20)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 17:56:51)
Quote (smoked @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 06:18:41)
I would reccomend not doing cardio even as a warmup before lifting, just make your warm up stretching and then a light set or two

I do atg on all my squats, and well we shall see how today goes for me...

Slow and steady wins the race, dont need to get jacked in a few weeks, takes time

Stretching cold puts you at a higher risk for injury, and really, the half mile isn't much of cardio for me. I mean I'm on the tredmill less than 5 minutes.

You're right about the last part. I just wanted to start by pushing myself. Getting too old to just go balls out, it's reckless.

cold stretching is absolutely horrible for you, i had to write a report on it for some bullshit class but i dont remember any of it because im a pothead.

but yeah, dont stretch cold for sure

Yeah, that's just a recipe for injury.
#733331 | Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 22:05:18
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Tell you what Nick. I can get you a free week at my gym. Come to Ohio, let me put you through the paces.

What do you have to lose?
#733379 | Sat - Jul 17 2010 - 01:56:03
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Quote (sardoniclysane @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 22:05:18)
Come to Ohio, let me put you through the paces.


I have everything I need to work out at home. Olympic barbell, 300 pounds or so of plates, a dip/pull up station in my bedroom, hockey equipment, a bicycle, a beach nearby.

Why the fuck would I want to go to the shittiest place on earth?

Although, I am the first to admit that a permanent baby sitter every day would make my life a million times more successful.

#733403 | Sat - Jul 17 2010 - 09:36:37
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Quote (MoS. @ Sat - Jul 17 2010 - 01:56:03)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Fri - Jul 16 2010 - 22:05:18)
Come to Ohio, let me put you through the paces.


I have everything I need to work out at home. Olympic barbell, 300 pounds or so of plates, a dip/pull up station in my bedroom, hockey equipment, a bicycle, a beach nearby.

Why the fuck would I want to go to the shittiest place on earth?

Although, I am the first to admit that a permanent baby sitter every day would make my life a million times more successful.

I was just saying. You apparently are this fairly strong dude, so come on, what do you have to lose? It's a few workouts.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Sat - Jul 17 2010 - 09:36:55
#734849 | Tue - Jul 20 2010 - 19:34:32
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Come embrace my, desire to....

As stated before, going to a 5 x 5, and resetting those lifts. DL's ofc not a 5 x 5. Wasn't sure about doing any extras, but did today, as you'll see.

Todays workout. (Pre WO bw sans shoes 144.8)

Warm up:

5 min walk (4.5mph)


135 x 5 (atf)
165 x 5 (atf)
165 x 5 (atf)
165 x 5 (atf)
165 x 5 (atf)
165 x 5 (atf)

Keeping it real simple ofc. Wow though, doing these consistently was killer, and I forgot the little nausea you get from doing deep squats. Felt good. Hammys were getting tight in between the last two sets, so had to do some extra stretching for them. Did not maintain perfect form throughout. Might need a bit more rest between sets. However since I completed all reps will bump up 5 lbs on Thurs.


Bar x 10
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5

These felt a lot easier than expected. As you all know, I suck at benching. Will bump up to 140 on Sat.


135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5

Working real hard on sticking my ass out and keeping my shoulders/chest up. Not doing a great job thus far. I feel the stretch better but still rounding my back. Weight was easy enough, but who cares if my form is weak?

Overtime Extras:

Flat Dumbell Presses:

50 x 5 (Too Light)
55 x 5
55 x 5

Hardest part about these was getting the weight back myself. I move up much more on these and I'll need someone to hand me the weights, lol.

Chin-Up/Dip Supersets:


Nothing really to add here, except I was feeling pretty wiped.

Cool Down:

5 min casual ride on a bike.

RTD/Bannana/Vitamins/Creatine(lol, so cheap why not give it another chance)/32 oz water on hand now for post workout yumminess.

Eating again before bed too.
#735205 | Thu - Jul 22 2010 - 18:02:34
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Been puking for a few hours, no workout today.
#735226 | Thu - Jul 22 2010 - 19:11:50
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Quote (sardoniclysane @ Thu - Jul 22 2010 - 18:02:34)
Been puking for a few hours, no workout today.

doh, that is the model workout though

#735229 | Thu - Jul 22 2010 - 19:55:34
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Quote (bubbachunk @ Thu - Jul 22 2010 - 20:11:50)
Quote (sardoniclysane @ Thu - Jul 22 2010 - 18:02:34)
Been puking for a few hours, no workout today.

doh, that is the model workout though


: /
#735528 | Sat - Jul 24 2010 - 14:26:49
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Play me my it comes again.

Since I didn't work out on Thurs, just went ahead and skipped that wo and went onto my day 3 wo.

Todays workout. (Pre WO bw sans shoes 142.8)

Warm up:

5 min walk (4.5mph)


135 x 5 (atf)
170 x 5 (atf)
170 x 5 (atf)
170 x 5 (atf)
170 x 5 (atf)
170 x 5 (atf)

Rough on the last few sets. I blame drinking last night.


Bar x 10
140 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5
140 x 5

Felt light really. The very last 2 reps on the last set were a little tough, but nothing major.


140 x 5
195 x 5
195 x 5

Work in progress here. I'm scrapping my shins now because I'm getting so close to the bar, still having issues with getting my ass down all the way and my chest up. These winded me a bit too. Fucking fuck.

Overtime Extras:

Flat Dumbell Presses:

60 x 5
60 x 5

I wish someone could have handed these to me, tbh.

Chin-Up/Dip Supersets:


Completely gassed by this point.

Cool Down:

5 min casual ride on a bike.

RTD/Bannana/Vitamins/Creatine(lol, so cheap why not give it another chance)/32 oz water on hand now for post workout yumminess (again)

Having a chicken salad here in about an hour too. I need more food.

#736260 | Tue - Jul 27 2010 - 21:28:36
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I must keep reminding myself of this.

Todays Workout: (Pre-Workout BW 145.8) </b>


5 Minute walk (4.5 mph)
Stretching as per usual.


135 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5
175 x 5


Standing Military Barbell Presses

Bar x 10
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5

I like the fact veins are popping out of my shoulders now too. I don't like the fact I still use a bitch weight.


125 x 3
125 x 3
130 x 3
130 x 2
130 x 2

Calf Raises on Leg press Machine Superset with Seated Calf Machine

8(4) plates x 10 / 4 (2) plates x 10
10(5) plates x 10 / 4(2) plates + 50 lbs x 10
12(6) plates x 10 / 6(3) plates x 10

My fucking Calves....they were on fiyah!

Deep Swimmers Presses (Dumbells):

40 lbs x 5
40 lbs x 5
40 lbs x 4

<b> Bar Roll Ups(10 lb weight) [/b]


Rtd/Creatine/sugarwater 'cuz fast transport system and no banana for post workout. Vitamins too!

Having Chipotle tonight (beans/rice/chicken and fajita veggies too) in a bit.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Tue - Jul 27 2010 - 21:30:29
#736665 | Thu - Jul 29 2010 - 19:37:47
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Todays workout. (Pre WO bw sans shoes 145.0)

Warm up:

5 min walk (4.5mph)


135 x 5 (atf)
185 x 5 (atf)
185 x 5 (atf)
185 x 5 (atf)
185 x 5 (atf)
185 x 5 (atf)

Felt like puking. Maybe going 5 x 5 is going to be too much? Staying with it for a few weeks at any rate.


Bar x 10
145 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 9

:donno: All of the sudden feel like I can make serious benching progress.


135 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5

Form still a big issue, as is the Somalian jackass who decided to walk right behind me on my last set. I threw the bar down and just turned around and shouted "REALLY?!?!??!" Before continuing.

Yeah, I'm "that guy". Seriously who the fuck does something like that. I saw he was later throwing weights in the wrong places. Shit like that pisses me off.

Overtime Extras:

Flat Dumbell Presses:

60 x 5 (Too Light)
65 x 0.75, got them back, but took a little too much energy, couldn't get them up after to lockout.
65 x 5
65 x 4.75, couldn't lock out that last one.

Hardest part about these was getting the weight back myself. I had someone hand me the 65's after I failed the first time around.

Chin-Up/Dip Supersets:


Wiped as per usual, did one superset, said fuck you to doing more.

Cool Down:

5 min casual ride on a bike.

Standard post workout shit I've been doing, eating again in like 2 hours.

I probably need more sleep, more food, and a little less on the training side. At least I'm getting to know my body again.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Thu - Jul 29 2010 - 19:39:36
#737057 | Sat - Jul 31 2010 - 17:30:26
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I must keep reminding myself of this.

Todays Workout: (Pre-Workout BW 145.2, BF % 13.0)


5 Minute walk (4.5 mph)
Stretching as per usual.


135 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 4

I just completely crapped out all of the sudden on the very last rep. Was like uh wtf?

Standing Military Barbell Presses

Bar x 10
110 x 5
110 x 5
110 x 5
105 x 4
105 x 4

:donno: crapped out again.


130 x 2
130 x 3
125 x 3
125 x 3

Was just wasted at this point. Massive muscle and join pain, and I just feel like shit most of the time.

Clearly I'm at the point where I'm under-eating and over training. Going to use August as a real bulk up month I think. Eating much more, and going to pull back on the lifting.

Doing base 3 x 5 all month. No extra sets, no extra exercises.

This post has been edited by sardoniclysane on Sat - Jul 31 2010 - 17:30:42
#737284 | Sat - Jul 31 2010 - 20:22:31
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Oh, I did do 1 set on a shrug machine for lulz. 4 plates each side. was stupid easy.
#737947 | Tue - Aug 3 2010 - 17:21:51
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Quote (sardoniclysane @ Sat - Jul 31 2010 - 21:22:31)
Oh, I did do 1 set on a shrug machine for lulz. 4 plates each side. was stupid easy.

Shrug machines are lol, do them with bb ofc
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