Quote (Sgull @ Wed - Nov 21 2012 - 10:23:00)
Quote (blind_chief @ Wed - Nov 21 2012 - 10:12:04)
Quote (Sgull @ Wed - Nov 21 2012 - 07:19:02)
Quote (blind_chief @ Wed - Nov 21 2012 - 02:27:31)
so jax spills the info on clay to bobby and tigs and bobby goes to clay
hmmm, cant be that simple
God, if Clay has Bobby secretly in his pocket then I'm pissed. I think it's more likely that Bobby is playing you IRL and being the can't we all just get along guy. Tigs is probably going to find out he's fucked soon, and Jax will learn that he can't hand him off to Pope because everyone knows that was the deal etc. on a basic level i agree about bobby, he just wants everyone to be friends. he will underextimate how devious clay is though and it will fuck him somehow. and tigs will eventually ofc run back to clay out of lack of options.
not sure how nero plays out at this point. hes gotta be pissed he shot up his old crew. also, the chick that blew her brains out infront of him and clay is jimmy smits irl wife. fun fact I may have heard it wrong, but i thought that Nero planned the attack on Jax and crew, like he admitted it to Gemma that he was shocked that Jax was still alive. He's basically rerising. If his namesake holds true, it makes sense that he tried to burn down the Son's for his own personal gain, now all that's left is for him to kill himself.he heard it was mexicans, figured it was his people, when really it was Machete. Mexican confusion.