Quote (Norse @ Wed - Dec 31 2014 - 04:17:18)
really good points, my fear is just that the movie shapes the discussion about nk in any way, kinda like those stupid jeff dunham catch phrases circulated and started living a life of their own separated from the original comedy context
i can't help but think of a scenario where north-koreans would have made a similar movie about obama and what kind of a shitstorm it would raise
but yeah i hope that the movie actually softened the perception and possibly released some tension between the cultures
i dont think its tension between cultures (i mean south korea is our m8, and we import their kpop and other culture to some degree as it is). its that dprk is legitimately one of the worst countries in the world, everyone knows that the power structure is one that only favors the elite, everyone else is a peasant/slave. and the only main reasons china supports them is 1) its a buffer zone to democracy, and 2) if dprk outright fell there would be a serious refugee crisis that neither china nor south korea is equipped to handle. and with dprk being able to do some serious damage to seoul if invaded, its a tricky situation. realistically china needs to force them to slowly change their ways so they dont have a mass exodus of people into countries that could do nothing but put them in camps.