Quote (xstakemx @ Jan 4 2009 - 01:44:41)
your dead to me
fuck you, every meal I have eaten since I woke up has contained a large serving of bacon.
Breakfast around 11am - I was still asleep so my brother brought me some coffee + bacon - I had a piece of bacon first.
Dinner around 6pm - friends house for my brother's bday - two female friends decided to give us their take on "man food" - rather than cocktail weiners, they took full size hot dogs, wrapped them in bacon, put some cheese on top, then wrapped it in pastry dough, then baked it.
2nd intermission snack a few hours later was a few strips of bacon and a buffalo wing wrapped in bacon.
I also saw Yeungling when we made a beer run and thought of you guys (Adam + Dan + Charlie), but declined to pay four dollars for a 12oz bottle of it ("regional speciality" from another region)