Headlines-Quest for motherfucking 500,000 poops on DESOLATECARNAGE.net We ballers, yes we fucking are.
-Tek in Budapest, which is in Hungary, which is in the fucking cOUNTRY of Europe. Btw, central Europe is so fucking fucked. Their economies are all going to fail.
Events-Smocked gets a few thousand poop milestones,
which ones, but yea.
-Smocked takes his leave from jsp, because Paul Faggot Taulborg is a fucking disrespectful piece of shit who took away Smocked's forum. Fuck that Faggot Fucker.
-Sgull is first dcnet user to hit the 40k mark, takes the Dallas Star with him.
-Moximus Anderson (spelled wrong but what the fuck) is dodging dcnet, someone convince that fucker to make it happen.
-Randomtak writing a fucking speech, but is fucking stupid and is still playing wow. Stupid as in being a fucking idiot, not stupid like the subforum of the members lounge.
-Adam Stakem is getting married to the beast. The fucking asshole isn't inviting his true friends to the wedding though because he's a fucking douchebag. Fuck you cuntbag faggot.
-Stakem’s birthday and he hit a few thousand milestones.
-Joe, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with him, but ever since he started playing wow he thinks the whole worlds out to get him and he can’t hold a normal conversation.
He’s basically a fucking 80 year old permanent troll so fuck him.
-Gary Underscore Underscore Underscore Pie took a fucking day off from work but still didn’t promote me to mod yet. FUCK.
-Steeks the Lion Steeks is still the fucking man. You guys should dream to be like him.
-Lobbster will only be 18 when Tek visits Vegas, so won’t be able to gamble. But can still get some legal hookers. Hell yeah.
-Oscar acts like a fucking douchebag and makes stupid ass poops in the donor forum. Acts like he doesn’t care when he really does. He’s a real fucking weird fucking dude. All fucking euros besides Vogan are really fucking weird.
-7_deadly_sins and Vogan still can’t spell for shit. I can spell better whilst whenst being fucking drunk.
-7_deadly _sins does some fucking stupid ass drug to lose weight and has some fucking retarded side effects. No idea why the fuck he needs to lose weight since anybody who goes to the gym everyday is going to be fucking healthy. Means he wants to lose weight to look better. Well news flash, that shit in you fucking nose will always make you look fucking ugly. The only people who should have a hole in their nose are fucking coke addicts who should fucking die.
Og;Dc-Raffles fuck you. You don’t know shit about sports. But still managed to hit 10k on dcnet and made a solid poop so gz for that.
Assclown of the WeekChins, fucking drugged out retard.
DisclaimerThe fucking doctor says if Tek forgot something then go fuck yourself you douchebag.