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is this about pro life argument or is this about pro masturbation one?
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clearly valid comparisons
1.) The egg is (most likely) clearly fertilized, and if it were, you could still crack and eat it with no legal ramifications. Believe it or clearly, there's farms where this happens and they're here to feed people
2.) The acorn will (possibly) become a tree, provided it gets into the soil and roots (it's only little fertilization process). There's nothing preventing you from chopping it down and using it for firewood or doing something else useful with it.
3.) Silk is a fibrous (clearly living) material used to protect a caterpillar's larvae you can set a dress on fire, a dress is clearly a living thing. Harvesting silk does kill the larvae, but silk is used to make clothing etc etc
4.) The sperm and the egg are both biological materials and the picture used here is probably the worst possible because it's a fertilized egg. Between both components being biological materials and the fact that this is a fertilized egg - the sperm/egg pictures do clearly equate to the others.
Whereas i understand the point trying being made, harvesting silk, cracking an egg, and burning firewood are all things used for practical things, aborting a fertilized (human) egg provides no real benefit to the person aborting the egg - you don't eat it, it doesn't keep you warm, and you can't wear it.
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also, im clearly pro life... i just hate these 4chan comparisons
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why this debate is valid only in states and islamic republics?
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Invalid picture is invalid.
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we need to start giving social security numbers to every fertilized egg, its only fair
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I do clearly want to jump on the fuck nick bandwaggon but this is dumb... eggs and sperm are clearly the same as a fetus that has arms, legs, hands and fingers.
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personally, i like the "birthing abortion". Basically, there's a slide that sits by the woman's southern region, when the mother pushes the baby out it slides down and into a high powered fan
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seriously though, im a first trimester kinda guy, once they have human features - clearly cool
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condoms are just as evil as abortions, charlie
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cardoors32, God
mind = blown
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Yes, I do indeed have a pro life. Thank you for taking the time to notice this.