pooping this link just so people can fact check etc:
http://www.azleg.gov/legtext/49leg/2r/bills/sb1070s.pdfi don't really care much about american politics since it's mired in shyte but i think discussions like this may benefit from having the info from the actual bill at hand. imo the shape a bill takes is one thing, and what happens to it upon implementation is another thing altogether. as a general rule, i think the concept of 'countries' is more or less politically retarded, but we've had countries for a long time. i don't think explaining why countries are a part of ruining the world matters, since it's clearly going to change anything atm. so as soon as immigration discussions open up, i automatically file them into the retarded bin. but since we DO have countries, my main line of thinking is that if people can find a way to make immigration more or less seamless, without destroying cultures or ruining how people can contribute to cultures, then that's the most gz possible state of affairs. particular bills and stuff don't really play into my thinking; nor do particular multi-nation economic arrangements, etc
[aside: the US will be completely fucked if they crackdown on a vital part of their workforce, imo]