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Joined: Aug 30 2006
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He was making a right turn earlier. It's dark out, his green light. I go through the crosswalk on his green while on my bike and he clips me.
Hurt me pretty bad. The cops were called and 2 fire trucks showed up, I had no friends with me. 2 people witnessed me.
I wanted to press charges, and the officers told me I broke 3 laws, and I don't have insurance, so if I press charges I'm going to jail, and probably back to Mexico because I'm illegal.
Probably the scariest experience of my life.
Cool story huh?
The fender on his car broke and fell off, and the officers asked if he wanted to press charges to get it fixed, and he said no it wasn't worth it.
They tried to convince him to do it, and this big white officer was making racist jokes. When he said "Proalbey?" to him he said nvm it';s stuff I shouldn't be saying. True story.