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so you're saying i can dodge bullets?
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New Scientist is a clearly exactly a reputable publication. In addition to disregarding peer review, a lot of their content is purely speculation without justification, and some of it is just garbage. This article is dumb because it claims that you can't deny all three statements when it is absolutely valid to do so.
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i think that guy takes too many leaps of logic, with one leading to the next.
first, define technologically mature. if we forever increase our technological capabilities, and tomorrow always dwarfs today, how could we ever be "mature"?
why would a technologically mature civ that wanted to create a simulation of the past have billions of people hooked in at the same time, where would our bodies be stored and maintained, and how many people in that time-frame are clearly plugged in? why would they dedicate so many resources to ancestral simulation if currently 6.5 billion people are plugged in?
or does this imply that i am plugged in but everyone i encounter is a simulation? if that is the case we can only deduce that one person is plugged in. this article seemed to imply that we all were plugged in, clearly just one.
if i am plugged in, have i been plugged in since birth, which would explain why i have no recollection of my previous life, and to what use would they be essentially harvesting billions of bodies? the thesis implies that it is for a "recreational" activity of sorts, which leads to only i am plugged in, which would refute the "plugged in since birth" side of it.
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i will read their "mission statement" just for perspective, as i think many of their core principals are sound, but im clearly sure how they would truly integrate into todays world
This post has been edited by blind_chief on Wed - Oct 5 2011 - 21:05:52