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Anyone Provide Some C Help?
Archived | Views: 868 | Replies: 11 | Started 12 years, 9 months ago
#827134 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:48:04
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have a function that will allocate space to store a value of desired length (at least 4 and 24, but feel free to test it with larger numbers: 32, 40, 64, etc.) and return the address (so we can assign it to one of our pointers).

anyone got an idea?

using a malloc line?
#827136 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:52:19
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as in C++?
#827137 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:53:52
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no this is a C program
#827138 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:53:53
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as in C+-?
#827139 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:58:27
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unsigned char *value;
value = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char) * 4);

can anyone English these two lines for me?
#827147 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:38:27
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begin code

multiply a number (0-255) by a value

value equals a number (0-255) multiplied by the 4x the number of bytes that the number (0-255) is, the same number of which is being allocated to memory

end code
#827152 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:56:08
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Quote (Lax @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:53:52)
no this is a C program

yeah but its clearly computer code.... thats all i wanted to know. gotcha
#827153 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:56:24
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Quote (blackjack21 @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:56:08)
Quote (Lax @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:53:52)
no this is a C program

yeah but its clearly computer code.... thats all i wanted to know. gotcha

and by clearly i mean clearly clearly but clearly
#827161 | Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 16:24:16
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Quote (blackjack21 @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:56:24)
Quote (blackjack21 @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:56:08)
Quote (Lax @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 13:53:52)
no this is a C program

yeah but its clearly computer code.... thats all i wanted to know. gotcha

and by clearly i mean clearly clearly but clearly

clrly no way to tell the difference
#827238 | Fri - Mar 16 2012 - 12:37:25
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Quote (___ @ Thu - Mar 15 2012 - 14:38:27)
begin code

multiply a number (0-255) by a value

value equals a number (0-255) multiplied by the 4x the number of bytes that the number (0-255) is, the same number of which is being allocated to memory

end code

does this do this? allocate space to store a value of desired length?
#827247 | Fri - Mar 16 2012 - 15:06:44
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i dont know, i just googled everything
i dont actually know any c at all
#827315 | Sat - Mar 17 2012 - 12:58:50
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
unsigned char *value;
value = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char) * 4);
*(value+0) = *(value+1) = *(value+2) = *(value+3) = 0;

int num1, num2, add, subtract, multiply;
float divide;

printf("Enter two integers\n");
scanf("%d%d", &num1, &num2);

add = num1 + num2;
subtract = num1 - num2;
multiply = num1 * num2;
divide = num1 / (float)num2;

printf("Sum = %d\n", add);
printf("Differnece = %d\n", subtract);
printf("Multiplication = %d\n", multiply);
printf("Division = %.2f\n", divide);


this is my program so far.
I need too accomplish this still...

have a function that will allocate space to store a value of desired length (at least 4 and 24, but feel free to test it with larger numbers: 32, 40, 64, etc.) and return the address (so we can assign it to one of our pointers).

implement a function that accepts as two arguments two of our dynamically allocated “numbers”, compares them, and returns a -1 if the left parameter is greater, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the right parameter is greater.
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