Forgot to mention one important thing: in November we had a small fight when we were really drunk and her (then) best friend approached me later that night and we ended up kissing. Her friend didn't remember anything about that but I told my girl what happened, even if I knew she would probably never find out. That whole incident was pretty horrible for a few weeks to a month but we sorted it out and it brought us that much closer. This incident happened before we had even kissed or I had told her that I loved her so there was no "relationship" yet but still something. Plus we were really, really drunk so that makes it less worse I guess. Still feel bad about it because I almost lost something very good in my life because of being too drunk. She has convinced me that she is really over it and doesn't want to think about it but I can never know. Obviously it affected her in some way. Other than that I have never been bad to her.
Quote (blackjack21 @ Wed - Feb 26 2014 - 19:05:07)
this sounds pretty weird to me, obviously she is expecting unreasonable things from you when she is clearly willing to return them. if you truly love her, then that trumps everything, but it sounds like you are clearly being treated fairly.
also, it may be harsh, but it sounds like she either loves your or clearly. if you love someone, it doesn't matter what your history is, you can't help but love them. maybe she loves you, but it just afraid to say it. if she doesn't, you are just being jerked around and you will only get hurt.
Thanks for the comment man, maybe you would have responded a bit differently if you knew about the drunken idiot incident. But I appreciate your honesty, it's exactly what I want. A point of view from someone who has distance to this whole thing.
I just thought of the incident above because that could mean that she isn't over it and can't love me because of that. She hasn't brought that whole kissing thing up after we dealt with it. She did tell me about the ex which made loving impossible to her before that incident so I guess it isn't that then.