Jesus is a horrible name,I don't buy jsp accounts off eon and I never have I just asked someone who is selling a 2002 acc
I have a d2jsp account that's not loser'd, that I created myself as well !! but my life doesn't revolve around d2jsp like 80% of this forum.
Before you call me a retard have a look
Diablo II - 8 years old.
Diablo II - dead 8 year old game
Diablo II - spend a penny on this 8 dead year old game = you're a retard
<- $1,000 + on fake little forum points based on the 8 year old dead gameGroup: Members
Posts: 11,400
Joined: Jul 31 2006
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xSoRx bought a namebot for a 8 year old dead game.
xSoRx namebots - stealing names, you're a scammer,you can use the theory "they deleted it,its anyones now" wich would only mean anyone who drops their items or gives their items through trade screen during a trade on jsp and ends up getting scammed, it only means they dropped/gave that item its anyones now.