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Views: 322000 | Replies: 10091 | Started 14 years, 8 months ago
#863738 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:51:23
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:10:48)
won my first league game, got +19 points, i guess the 3 losses to open didnt really matter

next game we were down 3-20 kills in 14 minutes, lost my 19 league points

#863739 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:52:30
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:51:23)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:10:48)
won my first league game, got +19 points, i guess the 3 losses to open didnt really matter

next game we were down 3-20 kills in 14 minutes, lost my 19 league points

had a jarvan who was watching blue for our jungle shen, all 5 enemy team walked right up the bridge into our jungle and he stood there and died, blamed it on the phone ringing

then obligatory 15 minutes later "you guys suck, we lost because you failed, this is why im low elo, wtf"
#863740 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16
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i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup
#863741 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:54:26
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

and i dont care to demand a role in champ select because everybody else does and gets pissed if they dont get it (and usually is bad or doesnt pick the pick we need)

so that kinda sticks me as support always
#863742 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:56:03
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

was saving ip for one of the new 6300 ip ADC's, but i guess ill buy leona
#863743 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:58:23
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first time ever playing wukong

14/0/22 jungle ranked win

#863744 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:59:35
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:54:26)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

and i dont care to demand a role in champ select because everybody else does and gets pissed if they dont get it (and usually is bad or doesnt pick the pick we need)

so that kinda sticks me as support always

you'd probably like leona

super aggro kill lane support, has skill shots so she's not auto retard face roll, you'd probably like her

you'd also probably like LuLus toolkit and playstyle, more skill based


Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:56:03)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

was saving ip for one of the new 6300 ip ADC's, but i guess ill buy leona

just saw that after my post, get her

This post has been edited by MoS. on Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:59:57
#863745 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:04:11
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new game

first pick: heimerdinger
second pick: rammus
third pick: pantheon
my pick: no idea what our team is so picked vayne
fifth pick: nunu, "i dont play support so gl" with 10 seconds on game starting
#863746 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:05:10
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Quote (MoS. @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:59:35)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:54:26)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

and i dont care to demand a role in champ select because everybody else does and gets pissed if they dont get it (and usually is bad or doesnt pick the pick we need)

so that kinda sticks me as support always

you'd probably like leona

super aggro kill lane support, has skill shots so she's not auto retard face roll, you'd probably like her

you'd also probably like LuLus toolkit and playstyle, more skill based


Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:56:03)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

was saving ip for one of the new 6300 ip ADC's, but i guess ill buy leona

just saw that after my post, get her

i played a game with a leona while i was adc. she was support retarded aggressive, cs'd minions and died multiple times. i was vayne and didnt get shit for cs or kills and it did not end well
#863747 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:10:02
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:05:10)
Quote (MoS. @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:59:35)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:54:26)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

and i dont care to demand a role in champ select because everybody else does and gets pissed if they dont get it (and usually is bad or doesnt pick the pick we need)

so that kinda sticks me as support always

you'd probably like leona

super aggro kill lane support, has skill shots so she's not auto retard face roll, you'd probably like her

you'd also probably like LuLus toolkit and playstyle, more skill based


Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:56:03)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 22:53:16)
i need a more beefy support, sona doesnt cut it in every matchup

was saving ip for one of the new 6300 ip ADC's, but i guess ill buy leona

just saw that after my post, get her

i played a game with a leona while i was adc. she was support retarded aggressive, cs'd minions and died multiple times. i was vayne and didnt get shit for cs or kills and it did not end well

vayne needs someone to babysit her in lane because she is so weak early, early aggro isnt good for vayne unless its against ashe or maybe an unskilled ezreal player

point being, vayne + leona = nope

vayne + alistar
vayne + taric
vayne + nunu

This post has been edited by MoS. on Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:16:23
#863748 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:17:26
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on a win streak

waiting on ng to start

vayne (me)


khazix (jung)

this could be interesting, khazix should be able to blow me up late game, but if i can get some farm for 40 minutes, nunu's blood boil on vayne is really hard to stop

This post has been edited by MoS. on Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:17:40
#863749 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:53:09
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11/9/10 loss

game was over before 20 minutes

team insisted to paly for 45
#863750 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:54:07
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:04:11)
new game

first pick: heimerdinger
second pick: rammus
third pick: pantheon
my pick: no idea what our team is so picked vayne
fifth pick: nunu, "i dont play support so gl" with 10 seconds on game starting

dumb shit all game from our team, although we caught their team is horrible spots twice, we got 2 barons, then final fight our retarded 15 death heimerdinger almost got caught again which mixed up the enemy team and i got a quadra kill out of it for the victory
#863751 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:55:53
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Quote (MoS. @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:53:09)
11/9/10 loss

game was over before 20 minutes

team insisted to paly for 45

nunu insisted on being bad all game, riven went 0/5 in lane against chogath, etc
#863752 | Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:56:37
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20 lp from win, i guess i just need to win 5 more games than i lose to get the 100 points for promotion chance
#863755 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 00:57:52
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Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:56:37)
20 lp from win, i guess i just need to win 5 more games than i lose to get the 100 points for promotion chance

the more games you play the less you get i think
#863756 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 00:58:24
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end the night on losing streak

everyone on team sucks

not sure what to do about those games still, worst part is, you know this team after 25 minutes isnt capable of regrouping, but they refuse to surrender anyway
#863757 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:16:14
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Quote (MoS. @ Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 00:57:52)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:56:37)
20 lp from win, i guess i just need to win 5 more games than i lose to get the 100 points for promotion chance

the more games you play the less you get i think

i read somewhere that theres a hidden mmr like starcraft, which determines how skilled of players to match you against

if your mmr is higher than your league, youll gain more for beating those more skilled players and lose less for losing

if your mmr is lower than your league, youll lose more for losing to less skilled players and gain less for winning
#863758 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:16:20
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#863759 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:17:34
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Quote (MoS. @ Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 00:58:24)
end the night on losing streak

everyone on team sucks

not sure what to do about those games still, worst part is, you know this team after 25 minutes isnt capable of regrouping, but they refuse to surrender anyway

unless its really really bad (like 3-20 kills game i played earlier), teams come back from some really crazy deficits because of people getting caught at stupid places
#863760 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:19:14
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Quote (randomtask @ Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:16:14)
Quote (MoS. @ Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 00:57:52)
Quote (randomtask @ Sat - Mar 9 2013 - 23:56:37)
20 lp from win, i guess i just need to win 5 more games than i lose to get the 100 points for promotion chance

the more games you play the less you get i think

i read somewhere that theres a hidden mmr like starcraft, which determines how skilled of players to match you against

if your mmr is higher than your league, youll gain more for beating those more skilled players and lose less for losing

if your mmr is lower than your league, youll lose more for losing to less skilled players and gain less for winning

your statement of "the more games you play the less you get" is probably valid in that the more games you play, the closer your matchmaking rating gets to your correct skill, which means less chances for big wins or big losses
#863761 | Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:35:33
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Quote (randomtask @ Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 01:17:34)
Quote (MoS. @ Sun - Mar 10 2013 - 00:58:24)
end the night on losing streak

everyone on team sucks

not sure what to do about those games still, worst part is, you know this team after 25 minutes isnt capable of regrouping, but they refuse to surrender anyway

unless its really really bad (like 3-20 kills game i played earlier), teams come back from some really crazy deficits because of people getting caught at stupid places

It was one of those landslide games
#863844 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:26:23
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everyone in this game except hecarim was plat / diamond s2
#1 janna useast

also, ive been informed that draven leona bot lane is #1 cheese
would explain why i got 100-0d at level 1
#863845 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:38:15
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i died in 3 hits to a draven at level 1 with sona, first time seeing him, i did a huge "wat" out loud
#863846 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:39:06
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also how come you dont play ranked solo queue?
#863848 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:49:06
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Quote (randomtask @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:39:06)
also how come you dont play ranked solo queue?

i will
that was only like the 2nd or 3rd non bot/aram game ive played in the past few weeks
its also because i am straight up awful at every non support role with the exception of jungle im maybe 4/10
#863849 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:51:37
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just destroying games with jin chao
#863850 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:58:12
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Quote (___ @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:49:06)
Quote (randomtask @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:39:06)
also how come you dont play ranked solo queue?

i will
that was only like the 2nd or 3rd non bot/aram game ive played in the past few weeks
its also because i am straight up awful at every non support role with the exception of jungle im maybe 4/10

best way to learn cs'ing is to play exclusively with one champion with the same runes/masteries for a while. once you get that feel for exactly how much base damage you do, you can get in really good rythm for minion kills.

my top issue right now is knowledge of item builds and recognizing the difference one item by itself will make on my results
#863851 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:16:52
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also the animation delay that each champion has before their atack hits, is a huge deal for cs. watching pro games its crazy how they time a "wasted" hit on a full hp minion, just to have their next attack be perfect for last hitting the minion beside it
#863852 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:27:28
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Quote (randomtask @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 21:16:52)
also the animation delay that each champion has before their atack hits, is a huge deal for cs.  watching pro games its crazy how they time a "wasted" hit on a full hp minion, just to have their next attack be perfect for last hitting the minion beside it

cs is my #1 issue with carry roles
whenever i miss a cs it always snowballs into missing entire waves, 1 painful mistake at a time
#863853 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:28:23
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that is really good advice though
i should probably practice top so i can afk farm
#863854 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:42:11
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Quote (___ @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:28:23)
that is really good advice though
i should probably practice top so i can afk farm

Depends on what champion you use

IE - using an auto attack melee will improve your cs more than using someone like singed (obv)
#863856 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:45:19
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Quote (MoS. @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:42:11)
Quote (___ @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:28:23)
that is really good advice though
i should probably practice top so i can afk farm

Depends on what champion you use

IE - using an auto attack melee will improve your cs more than using someone like singed (obv)

easiest is someone like tryndamere or renekton where you have a targeted aoe skill, you should be able to get the last hit on a full wave if you force your enemy champion back to his tower/away from you

and cannon minions are super important, enough to waste abilities on if you dont know if you can land the last hit
#863857 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:49:07
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if you want hard mode practice, play coop vs ai with a jungler and go 1v2 top. their will constantly be 2 champions trying to attack you while you cs, similar to if you are top and are way outmatched by your lane opponent and are just trying to sneak in some cs before help comes
#863858 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 21:25:28
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Quote (randomtask @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 20:49:07)
if you want hard mode practice, play coop vs ai with a jungler and go 1v2 top.  their will constantly be 2 champions trying to attack you while you cs, similar to if you are top and are way outmatched by your lane opponent and are just trying to sneak in some cs before help comes

#863860 | Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 22:06:28
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the hard part for me about using abilities to get last hits is knowing when to push and when not to push the lane
like when you want to reset the waves, or push before recall, or freeze, or do one thing or another based on potential ganks and vision
also knowing when to trade and how well based on your opponent matchup that you actually can trade, when you can win, when you definitely cant win
every pro game i watch now they always start all health pots and wards or elixir + health pots and ward
#863868 | Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 09:21:34
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jarvan IV free this week
#863872 | Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 10:14:32
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Quote (___ @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 22:06:28)
the hard part for me about using abilities to get last hits is knowing when to push and when not to push the lane
like when you want to reset the waves, or push before recall, or freeze, or do one thing or another based on potential ganks and vision
also knowing when to trade and how well based on your opponent matchup that you actually can trade, when you can win, when you definitely cant win
every pro game i watch now they always start all health pots and wards or elixir + health pots and ward

Top is all about that little time of lane dominance that lets you get 1 champ level and 1 item advantage to snowball into never letting your opponent near a minion wave again

whats shitty in the design of lol (recall and no courier to bring you items) is that even if you can manage to force your opponent back to heal, you cant take advantage of the fact that hes not in lane, because he will come back healed and force you to back or die (hence the health pots, you can stay and use that freefarm time and be healed/prepared for the enemy returning and youll be a level higher to force him back to buy time for item purching
#863898 | Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 17:01:35
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Quote (Sgull @ Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 09:21:34)
jarvan IV free this week

played him a few times during his first free week, didnt really like him, id rather play xinzhao

This post has been edited by randomtask on Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 17:01:46
#863906 | Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 18:27:25
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olaf is the most irritating champion to play aram as, no healing whatsoever, enemies are either charging @ you, or fleeing away from you
#863914 | Tue - Mar 12 2013 - 20:44:00
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Quote (___ @ Mon - Mar 11 2013 - 19:26:23)
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everyone in this game except hecarim was plat / diamond s2
#1 janna useast

also, ive been informed that draven leona bot lane is #1 cheese
would explain why i got 100-0d at level 1

poop ofc
#864035 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:13:49
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2 stupid infurating losses today
#864036 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:16:20
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Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:13:49)
2 stupid infurating losses today

one was against a team without a jungle, idiotic shit happened

one was a sure win, i was top as renekton and absolutely destroyed darius/took both towers and their inhib tower while the rest of the team was defending a stupid enemy push. so much bullshittery bad placement in this game led to tristana face checking baron when he knew the enemy team was there, dieing instantly, hecarim trying to save tristana and dieing instantly, then the enemy marching straight into our base and killing the nexus
#864037 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:17:00
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Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:16:20)
Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:13:49)
2 stupid infurating losses today

one was against a team without a jungle, idiotic shit happened

one was a sure win, i was top as renekton and absolutely destroyed darius/took both towers and their inhib tower while the rest of the team was defending a stupid enemy push. so much bullshittery bad placement in this game led to tristana face checking baron when he knew the enemy team was there, dieing instantly, hecarim trying to save tristana and dieing instantly, then the enemy marching straight into our base and killing the nexus

we won every team fight, even though they all started with some idiot on our team (soraka or tristana) not being in the fight, or dieing instantly to start the fight
#864038 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:18:26
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Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:17:00)
Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:16:20)
Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:13:49)
2 stupid infurating losses today

one was against a team without a jungle, idiotic shit happened

one was a sure win, i was top as renekton and absolutely destroyed darius/took both towers and their inhib tower while the rest of the team was defending a stupid enemy push. so much bullshittery bad placement in this game led to tristana face checking baron when he knew the enemy team was there, dieing instantly, hecarim trying to save tristana and dieing instantly, then the enemy marching straight into our base and killing the nexus

we won every team fight, even though they all started with some idiot on our team (soraka or tristana) not being in the fight, or dieing instantly to start the fight

next game starts with someone on our team looking up our teammates stats and calling them out on having bad stats with a champion they picked (before the game has even started) holy shit
#864039 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:19:22
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xinzhao jungle
leona (me)
twisted fate
miss fortune

what a shit team


#864040 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:20:28
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earlier explained game was also first try with 2 wards 9 pots, and it worked out beautifully, night and day difference between that game vs boots/3 pot darius and the game that i had boots/3 pot vs 2 ward 9 pot darius
#864041 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:45:25
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Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:19:22)
xinzhao jungle
leona (me)
twisted fate
miss fortune

what a shit team



me and miss fortune smashed their shit bottom. 14 minutes in and MF was 8/1 and i was 3/4, enemy kills went to soraka and jungle
23 minute nexus kill, miss fortune had BF, PD, guardian angel, 2 dorans and zerk boots
#864042 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:48:00
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Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:45:25)
Quote (randomtask @ Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:19:22)
xinzhao jungle
leona (me)
twisted fate
miss fortune

what a shit team



me and miss fortune smashed their shit bottom. 14 minutes in and MF was 8/1 and i was 3/4, enemy kills went to soraka and jungle
23 minute nexus kill, miss fortune had BF, PD, guardian angel, 2 dorans and zerk boots

not even like a huge mismatch, we just straight up outplayed them, made smart trades when we had to, and never made our lane or other teammates vulnerable
#864043 | Thu - Mar 14 2013 - 17:48:58
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i do enjoy leona
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