what kind of game developers would have shit that flies in the air, when not all characters can attack shit in the air because they have to use swords
not only does this shit fly in the air
it shocks you and uses your mana, which means you cant use the one skill that lets you "attack shit in the air"
plus it has to constantly respawn shit to fly at you and explode, and respawn themselves over and over by a bigger one of themself
then whenever it sees a dead body, attract all of the flying shits in the area to congregate around it so when you go back to get your body, you get to attack all the flying shit at once ala 20 vs 1
this adds 1000% to the games bullshit factor
plus idk the fact i just finished the game on normal difficulty, and i was killing the exact same shit i was killing at level 2, with different names and higher levels.
on the exact same maps
time to start nightmare i guess?