Quote (blind_chief @ Nov 19 2008 - 18:12:40)
was clearly done in other toilet
please allow me to explain vacation time and my final 1.5 months of the 2008 calendar year
i have too days of vacation left
if i do clearly use them, i get paid for them
but when you get vacation days tacked onto a paycheck they treat it like a bonus tax-wise and basically 40-45% get taken off of the top. so basically I get an extra half days pay, and the rest at tax time. what does this mean? it means fuck cashing in a single day of vacation.
after this week i have a 3 day work week, a 4 day week, 2x 5 day work weeks, followed by a too day and a 3 day work week.
moral: using my vacation day sometime
whatever helps you sleep at night