Why is Glider stopped?We had some difficulty interpreting the judge's order from March 10th, but it looks like he's telling us to not sell or support Glider. Rather than risk violating a court order, we're complying until we know for sure.
This is something we knew might happen - and we expected, given the judge's history. As we've mentioned in the past, our next step is to ask the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for a stay during the appeal process. That should take anywhere between a week and a month before we get an answer.
The only real surprise is we expected the judge would give us a date we had to shut down by, leaving us some time to go to the 9th CCA and ask for a stay without interrupting service. Unfortunately, he did not, so we have to put Glider on hold for a few days or weeks.
When will Glider be back?Glider will either be back within a month or it will be gone for at least a year. We'll know in the next few weeks. There's still quite a bit of lawyering to be done before we're down through the whole appeal, so news developments should continue pretty fast.
What about my personal info?The court ordered us to stop selling and supporting Glider. Period. Nobody's information is going anywhere, no Glider source is being turned over, there is nothing strange or extra being done. While it's likely the rumor mill will spin up some exciting stuff, there's no substance to it. If you're in doubt, just scroll to the last 2 pages of the recent ruling and read what the judge is telling us to do.
Can I get a refund?If you bought Glider in the last 30 days, you can get a refund, although you'll have to buy it again if you want to glide when we resume operation. Drop a line to support@mmoglider.com and include your PayPal transaction ID that came with your receipt, or your Glider key.
If you want to wait until we find out about the stay, we'll be honoring refunds for anyone who bought Glider within 30 days of this announcement, even if takes another month to find out.
What about the forums?The Glider forums are not going anywhere. We'll be up and active for the foreseeable future.
What about my Elite subscription/time card?We'll bump everyone's Elite up by the number of days we're down, when we resume. For PayPal subscriptions, we're going to try to suspend processing of those, if the PayPal API is smart enough. If it's not, we'll simply stop them all for now and then email PayPal subscribers when we're back up.
Where is the ruling?You can read it here:
http://www.mmoglider.com/legal/mar10_2009.pdfHow can I help?Stay calm. This is a difficult time for us all and we're going to do our best to make sure you can continue to use the software you paid for.