If I were define what I would like right now, I think it would be this:
- If I wanted to clear HM 25 stuff, I would have to transfer servers for a more EST oriented play time and would want to shoot myself with how much pressure there is
- I like 10 man stuff, I think I've said that to you & Joe quite a few times now; 10 man Hard Mode clears are not hard to come by, with the people we know, we just haven't defined that as a priority, we just hope it happens
- Clearing 25 man bullshit is easily PUGGED, I would like to do GKP runs and sell gold until I am banned (not on Stoya account, repeating of course)
- I want to have a second toon; tanking & melee DPS is getting boring when it's 24/7 of your play time
Now, we could join a guild like Havok, [etc] - I would have stayed in PIC if I could have gotten into 10 man stuff regularly, I think that the 10 man raids are starting to be a defining point of what I like about WoW, 25 is too chaotic...
but would we be happy with not downing all available content? I think we can if we define our goals, we can answer that question. I want a Heroic Dual-Blade Butcher as much as Baken & Zerkcies does, but realistically, I'm never going to have that (let's say 30 days in US, puts me at mid November, guild hasn't seen 1, puts me at like ~8thish on the list), and I'm okay with that. I went with Titansteel for long enough, Aesir's Edge is cool too. A regular DBB or 10 TotGC Axe isn't out of the question, even in a PUG.
I enjoyed PvPing the other night (proelbay for the first time). Maybe that was only because we were playing other bads and were winning, but experience only makes you better (unless your Babyzack, I don't think any of us are that bad).
Either way, I'm 25 years old with no degree, no job, no savings, no health insurance, living in the same house since I was 2 with my mother, soon to be no car insurance, [etc]. I don't want to be 30 years old with no degree, no job, no savings, no health insurance, living in the same house since I was 2 with my mother, with no car, no girlfriend, no future of being a homeowner, no future of having children, [etc]. I am never going to be happy if I continue down this path, that much I know.
I know that is an extreme example, but my personal history & behavior pattern suggests that it is perfectly reasonable to expect. @
I am not blaming WoW, I am blaming my lack of being a man and taking care of business and setting limits for myself.
Getting on and playing for a few hours, doing some dailies, PUGing a raid or leveling some new characters would be fine for me. Adding 20 hours on top of that a week to raid is probably not necessary any more.
I used to be super happy when I was playing D2, PayPal buying & selling, botting, playing HC with m8's, [etc]. I always played how I wanted to.
I want to be able to have a degree, good job, set up a botting farm, and playing D3 for mates. <3
I know I am rambling and not stringing together much sense, my hang over is really bad still.