I got some great news for you, I worked with some technical support guy from Blizzard. One of them, Jessicalu (
who help people with 132 error on official us forums) said to me that the "possible" cause of these 132 errors on some systems is from "round to square minimap" via Mask.blp texture file.
it would appear changing the minimap shape is causing WoW to crash with a 132 error. Chinchilla mod apparently causes the same error 132 like Tukui when we change the minimap round to square. They also said that this will probably fix next tuestday/wednesday with 3.3.1 but IF it's not fixed, i'll fix it with V8 incoming tuesday or wednesday or simply follow step below. V8 is almost the same ui as V7, with 2 - 3 additional features but the biggest change is that Tukui is now a single mod. No more delete of the whole /interface folder to update to the new version. You'll only need to replace the current "Tukui" mod folder like you do with all others mods. T8 will also fix minor issues from t7.13. (example: runebar)
here's a temp fix to try if you crash, because tukui will not be updated today... just quit wow.exe :
open tminimap.lua, and look for
delete this line, save tMinimap.lua and delete also Mask.blp in interface/addon/tminimap/ folder. After that, just clear your cache / wtf. Now relaunch the game and look if it crash again. If it crash again after these step, it's an another issue that blizzard is currently fixing via some specific hardware. (example : a7n8x motherboard got some problem actually with wow 3.3 patch or another example : crossfire can crash wow via 3.3)