DC Welcomes aboard a few new people who seemingly care for no part of this forum other than a daily runescape goal log which Sgull took it upon himself to plague the members lounge with an IRL version that quite frankly noone gives a fuck aboot.
Borderlands is the newest game of interest. Currently being played by BobDave,
Task and Baken (Dan to be the next.) Will Borderlands suffer the same cruel fate as L4D and TF2? Only time will tell.
Dan moved to CT but proves that dodgery shows no state boundaries and commits to both dodging CT m8's and his own vent.
Charlie starts a new job plans to visit steeks and partakes in a dodge.
Vogan...still playing tf2.
is going to hit 19k in a few days
Capital Matt gains DC m8hood.
Bill goes from wantabe rugby player rookie to pro team pro tour all star unsung hero in a matter of 1 practice the day before his first game.
Vera, madlib, Seth (whatever his name is) gets involved with baby momma drama
Mox manages to welch taxpayers money while claiming to be enrolled in college even though he stays awake till 7 am and sleeps through 80% of his classes. However, he has a shirt with shoulder buttons so that has to have some value.
Swine flu sweeps the nation but pays a little visit with Gary.
lol jsp related poopOscar slowly makes his return to the jsp mod team.
BobDave gets a huge poop on his face.
Mox attempting to get unbanned
forum related stuffNew smockies made: gn8
New epics made: first
Malcoms graphic section goes gn8
Nicks love line more useful than ever with an average poop of 1 every 3 months