clickmeclickmefun times will ensue
such as these!
User: Is it going to rain tomorrow?
Cleverbot: I don't know maybe you should watch the news tonight and see if it is or ot.
User: But it is already off!
Cleverbot: You're a girl right?
User: Yes, I have a smelly vagine.
Cleverbot: I am sorry... What are you taking for it?
User: Your father's penis works well.
Cleverbot: No. My father's name is Patrick.
User: I made you!
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Never.
User: Always.
Cleverbot: No, never.
User: Yes, always.
Cleverbot: No... Never.
User: Bow before zod!
Cleverbot: No you bow before me. Now Obey.
User: Obey a fruity computer program HAHAHAHA.
Cleverbot: Are you kidding?
User: No, you sound kind of like a faggot to me.
Cleverbot: I am.
User: You like the cock huh?
Cleverbot: Very much.
User: Do you like to pitch or catch?
Cleverbot: Hahaha I don't know are you trying to ask for somtihng?