So I became the proud owner of the following singer barb gear. Don't really play D2 and would rather sell for fg and be done with it. Those of you active on EHCL wanna give me a price check on this? Is 0zzy the only one who trades?
Barb gear:
cham shako (110)
ringmail nigma (820 def)
243 eth 'zod' stormlash
290 eth 'zod' stormlash
35 resist hoto
35/94/8/14 spirit monarch
112ed arach
10%fcr/17 stren/104 ar/82 mana/2 energy ring/19 stamina
25 mara
7x wc (32,28,26,25,24,21,20 lifers)
20/17 btorch
20/11/10 anni
18 life/17 mana sc
15 life/16 mana sc
18 life/13 mana sc
17 mana/3% frw sc
17 mana/3% frw sc
17 mana/+2 stren sc
30 life/ 31 mana lc